No such thing, in any software, packaging, etc.
There's only "this seems to work for me, I'm going to test it out, and
if it works, awesome."
This is the case for pretty much any package, anywhere.
Since many community cookbooks are named after a particular
product/package, there may be an assumption that the "redis" cookbook
is the canonical one, but there's also "rediso", "redis2",
"redis-package" and others not on the site.
So there's no canonical anything, only things that you can grok and work well.
My 2 cents,
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Sascha Bates sascha.bates@gmail.com wrote:
Are you looking for this for workstation development or server provisioning?
If the latter, I always make a package for my OS package manager and then
place it in an internal repo. Generally that's Red Hat and I use Ian
Meyer's spec to compile it on a dev server:
GitHub - imeyer/ruby-1.9.3-rpm: RPM spec for Ruby 1.9.3. If Ubuntu, they actually have a
Ruby1.9 package set.
If you are looking for workstation provisioning for OSX, the topic is
complex because OSX already ships with a system Ruby, which is why everyone
is suggesting a Ruby manager. If you don't want one, you can look at Seth
Chisamore's omnibus-chef-utensils which will build an omnibus version of a
ruby-chef-development toolchain:
GitHub - schisamo/omnibus-chef-utensils: A self-contained, full-stack cookbook development toolchain for Chef!
Jeffrey Jones wrote:
Hello all.
I have decided that one of chef's greatest strengths; and biggest
weaknesses is the community cookbooks (but that is a post for another
Is there any "canonical" cookbook that will install ruby (version of
our choosing) from source (Including the build-essential'ish
packages)? I have found half a dozen ruby cookbooks but none of them
offer the source option (I did actually find one but it is 2 years
old, barely documented and released under the WTFPL)
I am pretty surprised that I could not find one "opscode" blessed
"Install ruby from source" cookbook, seems like a pretty basic
building block.
On a slight return to my first line, the community cookbook page
really REALLY needs some sorting and filtering features.