something i’m doing with attributes is not quite right, and here’s the
[root@headnode opt]# while [[ 1 ]]; do chef-client -E chefenv1 2>/dev/null
1>/dev/null; if [[ “$?” != “0” ]]; then echo -n ‘E’; elif grep 42559
/opt/moab/etc/moab.cfg >/dev/null && grep 42559
/opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy >/dev/null; then echo -n ‘.’; else echo -n
’!’; fi; done
so, i’m running chef over and over without changing cookbooks, run lists,
override attributes, or anything else in between. if the run fails it
should print ‘E’, if the expected attributes are in the config files it’s
writing out it should print ‘.’ , and if the attributes are not in the file
it should print ‘!’. as you can see, the results are not the same in
subsequent runs. this is not because the chef runs are failing-- the value
simply ends up being nil on some runs all else seemingly being equal. i’ve
confirmed this manually many times, it can succeed the client run but
produce unexpected output.
here’s what i’m doing, and it seems pretty straightforward. there is a
default attributes file that sets the ‘sched_port’ as a default attribute,
and it is consumed by a template in that cookbook where it’s set (mwm) and
in a template from another cookbook which is also run on the same node
===== mwm/attributes/default.rb =====
::Chef::Node.send(:include, Opscode::OpenSSL::Password)
set_unless[‘mcs’][‘mwm’][‘secret_key’] = secure_password
default[‘mcs’][‘mwm’][‘sched_port’] = ‘42559’
====== mwm/recipes/default.rb =======
write out the templated moab config
template “/opt/moab/etc/moab.cfg” do
source "moab-cfg.erb"
mode 0600
owner "root"
group "root"
action :create
===== mwm/templates/default/moab-cfg.erb =====
SCHEDCFG[Moab] SERVER=<%= node[‘hostname’] %>:<%=
node[‘mcs’][‘mwm’][‘sched_port’] %>
===== mws/recipes/default.rb =======
write mws config file
template “/opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy” do
source “mws-config-groovy.erb”
mode 0600
owner "tomcat"
group "tomcat"
:moab_secretkey => node['mcs']['mwm']['secret_key'],
:moab_server => node['hostname'],
:moab_port => node['mcs']['mwm']['sched_port'],
:mws_username => node['mcs']['mws']['username'],
:mws_password => node['mcs']['mws']['password'],
:mongo_host => mongo_node['hostname'],
:mongo_port => mongo_node['mongodb']['port'],
:mongo_database => node['mcs']['mws']['mongo_dbname']
action :create
====== mws/templates/default/mws-config-groovy.erb ====
moab.secretKey = "<%= @moab_secretkey %>"
moab.server = "<%= @moab_server %>"
moab.port = <%= @moab_port %>
also, it disappears from either file. every time i’ve checked it
disappears from both files at once:
[root@headnode opt]# while [[ 1 ]]; do chef-client -E chefenv1 2>/dev/null
1>/dev/null; if [[ “?" != "0" ]]; then echo -n 'E'; elif grep 42559
/opt/moab/etc/moab.cfg >/dev/null; then echo -n '.'; else echo -n '!'; fi;
[root@headnode opt]# while [[ 1 ]]; do chef-client -E chefenv1 2>/dev/null
1>/dev/null; if [[ "?” != “0” ]]; then echo -n ‘E’; elif grep 42559
/opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy >/dev/null; then echo -n ‘.’; else echo -n
’!’; fi; done
i’ve wrestled through several other attribute-related issues (one i
detailed here,
but i’m baffled about this one. any help would be appreciated.
- jonathan