I have a few apps that are deploying using the application cookbook (_php and _ruby). They work just fine most of the time, but every now and then when bootstrapping a new node I get these weird errors.
This is the interesting part on the debug log of the chef run:
deploy_revision[resourcemanager] action deploy[2013-07-23T14:08:47+00:00] INFO: Processing deploy_revision[resourcemanager] action deploy (/var/chef/cache/cookbooks/application/providers/default.rb line 122)
[2013-07-23T14:08:47+00:00] DEBUG: deploy_revision[resourcemanager] finding current git revision
[2013-07-23T14:08:47+00:00] DEBUG: deploy_revision[resourcemanager] resolving remote reference
af5c7ff84dd852cf1c0b5ca60ea92546a20dda01 refs/heads/develop
[2013-07-23T14:08:50+00:00] DEBUG: deploy_revision[resourcemanager] not creating /opt/apps/resourcemanager because it already exists
[2013-07-23T14:08:50+00:00] DEBUG: deploy_revision[resourcemanager] not creating /opt/apps/resourcemanager/shared because it already exists
[2013-07-23T14:08:50+00:00] DEBUG: deploy_revision[resourcemanager] finding current git revision
[2013-07-23T14:08:50+00:00] INFO: deploy_revision[resourcemanager] cloning repo git@bitbucket.org:zynkmobile/resourcemanager.git to /opt/apps/resourcemanager/shared/cached-copy
Cloning into ‘/opt/apps/resourcemanager/shared/cached-copy’…-
clone from git@bitbucket.org:zynkmobile/resourcemanager.git into /opt/apps/resourcemanager/shared/cached-copy[2013-07-23T14:08:55+00:00] WARN: Error on deploying /opt/apps/resourcemanager/releases/af5c7ff84dd852cf1c0b5ca60ea92546a20dda01: Expected process to exit with [0], but received ‘128’
---- Begin output of git checkout -b deploy af5c7ff84dd852cf1c0b5ca60ea92546a20dda01 ----
STDERR: fatal: reference is not a tree: af5c7ff84dd852cf1c0b5ca60ea92546a20dda01
---- End output of git checkout -b deploy af5c7ff84dd852cf1c0b5ca60ea92546a20dda01 ----
Ran git checkout -b deploy af5c7ff84dd852cf1c0b5ca60ea92546a20dda01 returned 128
[2013-07-23T14:08:55+00:00] INFO: Removing failed deploy /opt/apps/resourcemanager/releases/af5c7ff84dd852cf1c0b5ca60ea92546a20dda01 -
remove failed deploy /opt/apps/resourcemanager/releases/af5c7ff84dd852cf1c0b5ca60ea92546a20dda01[2013-07-23T14:08:55+00:00] DEBUG: Creating directory /var/chef/cache/revision-deploys
As can be seen, it finds the Git revision to deploy, clones the directory, but then cannot find the revision. I poked on the cached-copy, and it doesn’t have the branch from which I’m deploying, neither local nor origin/branch, which would certainly explain the error. What I don’t understand is why the branch is not there, since it’s definitely in the repo (and was found before, via git ls I presume).
Is there something else that should be set on the application resource so that this error would not occur?
Cassiano Leal