Issue with Custom Resource (Chef 12.5+ way) properties

I have a custom resource that reuses the core resource execute. It has 2 properties (retries & retry_delay) that have the same name as the properties of the execute resource. See below.


property :name,          String,  default: 'just wait'
property :retries,       Integer, default: 100
property :retry_delay,   Integer, default: 10

default_action :create #added default_action to avoid FoodCritic error

action :create do
  execute name do
    command "some command"
    retries new_resource.retries
    retry_delay new_resource.retry_delay

When I try to use my custom wait resource (no properties passed in in order to rely on the default values of the retries and retry_delay properties) as in below, my kitchen converge fails because Chef thinks the values for retries is 0 (vs 100) and the value for retry_delay is 2 (vs 10)


mycookbook_wait 'wait for process to finish' do

I was using this as a reference:

The workaround I had to do was rename the properties of my wait resource as in below:

resources/wait.rb with workaround

property :name,                String,  default: 'wait for Jenkins'
property :retry_count,         Integer, default: 100
property :retry_delay_seconds, Integer, default: 10

default_action :create #added default_action to avoid FoodCritic error

action :create do
  execute name do
    command "some command"
    retries retry_count
    retry_delay retry_delay_seconds

How can I accomplish the same thing without having to make sure that my resource property names don’t collide with core resource property names?

The root of the problem is that retries is part of Chef::Resource, and is handled in the old-school way before properties and default were a thing. It is directly initialized as an instance variable in Chef::Resource#initialize. You would have to do something like this:

def initialize(*args)
  @retries = 100

Some day we’ll finish unifying all this code, but for now that is the best approach.

Thanks. That worked. I’m looking forward to the real fix. :grinning: