To begin with, I was trying to install oracle jdk7, using the java cookbook.
I’m a newb, when I rand into this problem, I moved onto another task I had,
setup tomcat. Apparently the tomcat cookbook runs the java install as part
of its processes.
Either the error is right infront of me, or its in a palce i am not aware
The node only has the tomcase::default recipe applied. OS is centos 6.5
Error below:
[root@sc03test01 ~]# chef-client
Starting Chef Client, version 11.8.2
resolving cookbooks for run list: [“tomcat”]
Synchronizing Cookbooks:
- openssl
- java
- tomcat
Compiling Cookbooks…
[2014-03-19T12:19:35-07:00] WARN: Using java::default instead is
Converging 13 resources
Recipe: java::set_java_home
ruby_block[set-env-java-home] action run
- execute the ruby block set-env-java-home
directory[/etc/profile.d] action create (up to date)
file[/etc/profile.d/] action create (up to date)
Recipe: java::oracle -
java_ark[jdk] action install[2014-03-19T12:19:35-07:00] FATAL: You must
set the attribute node[‘java’][‘oracle’][‘accept_oracle_download_terms’] to
true if you want to download directly from the oracle site!
Error executing action install
on resource ‘java_ark[jdk]’
Cookbook Trace:
download_direct_from_oracle' /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/java/providers/ark.rb:115:in
block in
Resource Declaration:
In /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/java/recipes/oracle.rb
49: java_ark “jdk” do
50: url tarball_url
51: default node[‘java’][‘set_default’]
52: checksum tarball_checksum
53: app_home java_home
54: bin_cmds bin_cmds
55: alternatives_priority 1062
56: action :install
57: end
Compiled Resource:
Declared in /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/java/recipes/oracle.rb:49:in
java_ark(“jdk”) do
action [:install]
supports {:report=>true, :exception=>true}
retries 0
retry_delay 2
cookbook_name "java"
recipe_name "oracle"
url "
default true
checksum "764f96c4b078b80adaa5983e75470ff2"
app_home "/usr/lib/jvm/java"
bin_cmds [“appletviewer”, “apt”, “ControlPanel”, “extcheck”, “idlj”,
“jar”, “jarsigner”, “java”, “javac”, “javadoc”, “javafxpackager”, “javah”,
“javap”, “javaws”, “jcmd”, “jconsole”, “jcontrol”, “jdb”, “jhat”, “jinfo”,
“jmap”, “jps”, “jrunscript”, “jsadebugd”, “jstack”, “jstat”, “jstatd”,
“jvisualvm”, “keytool”, “native2ascii”, “orbd”, “pack200”, “policytool”,
“rmic”, “rmid”, “rmiregistry”, “schemagen”, “serialver”, “servertool”,
“tnameserv”, “unpack200”, “wsgen”, “wsimport”, “xjc”]
alternatives_priority 1062
[2014-03-19T12:19:35-07:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
[2014-03-19T12:19:35-07:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2014-03-19T12:19:35-07:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to
Chef Client failed. 1 resources updated
[2014-03-19T12:19:35-07:00] ERROR: java_ark[jdk] (java::oracle line 49) had
an error: SystemExit: exit
[2014-03-19T12:19:35-07:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError:
Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)
[root@sc03test01 ~]#