I am using knife to boot up three nodes on my dev box. 9 out of 10
times knife fails to run and hangs. One or two nodes will
complete…one fails 90% of the time.
Below is the output and where is hangs. Is this a know bug with knife?
Instance ID: i-6e10dd3a
Flavor: t1.micro
Image: ami-c4622596
Region: ap-southeast-1
Availability Zone: ap-southeast-1a
Security Groups: nginx
SSH Key: sg_development
Waiting for server…
Public DNS Name: ec2-175-41-190-215.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
Public IP Address:
Private DNS Name: ip-10-130-13-51.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal
Private IP Address:
Waiting for sshd.done
Bootstrapping Chef on ec2-175-41-190-215.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com