I’m hoping someone can help…
I’ve got this code in a recipe:
Metrics = Struct.new(:plugin, :name, :command)
metrics = [ Metrics.new("metrics-marketo-daily-count.rb", "metrics_marketo_daily_count", ""),
Metrics.new("check-redis-list-length.rb", "check_redis_list_length", "-h #{redis_host} -w 1000 -c 2000)
metrics .each do |check|
cookbook_file "/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/#{check[:plugin]}" do
source "#{check[:plugin]}"
action :create
It’s supposed to copy over the file to the remote machine. The problem is that after a chef run, it reports that file created. However when I search for this file, I can’t find it. The cookbook_file resource is used quite a few times in my cookbook and I’m wondering is there a limit to the number of files that can be copied across ro a remote machine using cookbook_file?
Is there another resource that can be used to copy files across to a remote machine?