Ohai Chefs,
I've just released v1.7.0 of the logrotate cookbook. The changelog
can be found here:
Thanks to the contributors to this release:
Andrian Jardan (1):
Adding compressoptions option
Cam Cope (3):
add solaris support
change guard condition to if block as per PR comment
add serverspec for logrotate.d folder
Daniel Silverman (2):
Strip invalid options rather than throwing fatal
Raising rather than continuing on error
Gerard de Vos (1):
Added some more configuration options: maxage,
shred/shredcycles, extension, tabooext
James Belchamber (1):
Typo fix
Ranjib Dey (1):
add chefspec matcher for logrotate_app definition
Please file bug reports or feature requests on Github: