How would one go about setting environment attributes for prod/qa/dev if each 'environment' is simply checked out into a separate vhost on the same node?
We're deploying a PHP app, and we have, and for our different environments, but they're all just vhosts with different docroots on the same node.
Right now I have 3 recipes, one for each environment, but I'd like to get to 1 recipe with 3 sets of attributes.
On Oct 4, 2011, at 3:15 PM, jorge espada wrote:
Thanks Adam, that's what i'm going to do.
@Bryan I would say yes.. since you manage your env with chef environments [0]
Jorge E. Espada
Phone: +54 9 341 5692435
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 5:09 PM, Bryan Berry wrote:
so if you have the same app in three different instances, dev, qa, and prod, you would abstract that application as a role?
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:56 PM, Adam Jacob wrote:
Yeah, if they are really that tightly coupled (1:1) I would say they
each have a different role (and they probably all use the same base
role that specifies the bulk of the runlist, and those roles just set
the couple of node attributes that matter.)
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 12:51 PM, jorge espada wrote:
Thanks Adam for answer, yes they are truly per-node, for instance we have:
4 servers(nodes) called app[1-4] all of them are running tomcat and tomcat
is configured to talk to an ejabberd cluster, but each of them are
connected to a different server in that ejabberd cluster.. hence each node
(app1 , app2...) has a different config for tomcat, despite they belong to
the same services, let say app-services.. so what do you suggest one role
per instance of the same service ?
Jorge E. Espada
Phone: +54 9 341 5692435
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Adam Jacob wrote:
Are they truly per-node, or are they four different roles?
Ideally, you would abstract the differences, and then just apply the
attributes to each node through a role (or on the node itself, if it's
truly one-off)
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 12:22 PM, jorge espada
Hi, what will be the right or better approach to store custom (non
config attributes per node ?
For instance, lets say that I have the tomcat or apache cookbook applied
4 nodes, and all of them have different config files, should I write 4
different attributes files for that cookbook , also for each same
applied to those nodes with different configs? Or is better to use data
for custom configs on each nodes?
I know that attribute is a per-node thing. and data bag is across
but I'm not sure how to sort this situation.. or there is another thing
i'm missing
Jorge E. Espada
Phone: +54 9 341 5692435
Opscode, Inc.
Adam Jacob, Chief Product Officer
T: (206) 619-7151 E:
Opscode, Inc.
Adam Jacob, Chief Product Officer
T: (206) 619-7151 E: