Mode value for directory resource?

OK, this is bombing on me:

directory “/foo/bar” do
owner "username’
group "groupname"
mode 0700

I’ve tried all of

mode "0700"
mode 0700
mode 700
mode “700”

And I always get this:

ERROR: directory[/foo/bar]
`from_file’) had an error:
Option mode’s value 44 does not match regular expression /^\d{3,4}$/

So it looks like something’s converting to decimal (0700 octal = 448
decimal), stripping off the 8 because it’s not a legal octal digit,
and then complaining about the invalid mode. Any help here?

This is chef 0.9.8.

Mark J. Reed

Oh, and I saw this on

A note about mode: When specifying the mode, the value can be a quoted string, eg "644". For a >numeric value (i.e., without quotes), it should be 5 digits, e.g., 00644 to ensure that Ruby can parse it >correctly. For more detail, see Ticket CHEF-174.

But neither the quotes nor the leading zero helped.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

OK, this is bombing on me:

directory "/foo/bar" do
owner "username'
group "groupname"
mode 0700

I've tried all of

mode "0700"
mode 0700
mode 700
mode "700"

And I always get this:

ERROR: directory[/foo/bar]
`from_file') had an error:
Option mode's value 44 does not match regular expression /^\d{3,4}$/

So it looks like something's converting to decimal (0700 octal = 448
decimal), stripping off the 8 because it's not a legal octal digit,
and then complaining about the invalid mode. Any help here?

This is chef 0.9.8.

Mark J. Reed

Mark J. Reed

On chef 0.9.8, using shef -s (standalone), I tested this quite briefly:
Ohai2u aj@AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local!
chef > recipe
chef:recipe > directory "/tmp/foo"
=> #<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f90310 @not_if_args={},
@cookbook_name=nil, @updated=false, @resource_name=:directory,
@notifies_immediate=, @before=nil,
@resources=[#<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f90310 ...>],
@insert_after_idx=nil>, @cookbook_collection={},
@node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8 @name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">,
@definitions={}>, @recursive=false, @not_if=nil, @action=:create,
@name="/tmp/foo", @only_if_args={}, @allowed_actions=[:nothing, :create,
:delete], @noop=nil, @ignore_failure=false, @node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8
@name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">, @only_if=nil,
@enclosing_provider=nil, @supports={}, @params={}, @path="/tmp/foo",
@source_line="(irb#1):1:in irb_binding'", @notifies_delayed=[], @provider=nil> chef:recipe > directory "/tmp/foo" do chef:recipe > mode 00700 chef:recipe ?> end => #<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f89df8 @mode=448, @not_if_args={}, @cookbook_name=nil, @updated=false, @resource_name=:directory, @notifies_immediate=[], @before=nil, @run_context=#<Chef::RunContext:0x101fbda18 @resource_collection=#<Chef::ResourceCollection:0x101fbd928 @resources_by_name={"directory[/tmp/foo]"=>1}, @resources=[#<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f90310 @not_if_args={}, @cookbook_name=nil, @updated=false, @resource_name=:directory, @notifies_immediate=[], @before=nil, @run_context=#<Chef::RunContext:0x101fbda18 ...>, @recursive=false, @not_if=nil, @action=:create, @name="/tmp/foo", @only_if_args={}, @allowed_actions=[:nothing, :create, :delete], @noop=nil, @ignore_failure=false, @node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8 @name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">, @only_if=nil, @enclosing_provider=nil, @supports={}, @params={}, @path="/tmp/foo", @source_line="(irb#1):1:in irb_binding'", @notifies_delayed=,
@provider=nil>, #<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f89df8 ...>],
@insert_after_idx=nil>, @cookbook_collection={},
@node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8 @name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">,
@definitions={}>, @recursive=false, @not_if=nil, @action=:create,
@name="/tmp/foo", @only_if_args={}, @allowed_actions=[:nothing, :create,
:delete], @noop=nil, @ignore_failure=false, @node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8
@name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">, @only_if=nil,
@enclosing_provider=nil, @supports={}, @params={}, @path="/tmp/foo",
@source_line="(irb#1):2:in irb_binding'", @notifies_delayed=[], @provider=nil> chef:recipe > run_chef [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] DEBUG: Processing directory[/tmp/foo] on AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] DEBUG: directory[/tmp/foo] using Chef::Provider::Directory [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] INFO: Creating directory[/tmp/foo] at /tmp/foo [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] DEBUG: Processing directory[/tmp/foo] on AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] DEBUG: directory[/tmp/foo] using Chef::Provider::Directory [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] INFO: Setting mode to 700 for directory[/tmp/foo] => true chef:recipe > ls -la /tmp/foo`
=> "total 0\ndrwx------ 2 aj wheel 68 12 Aug 09:19 .\ndrwxrwxrwt 14
root wheel 476 12 Aug 09:19 ..\n"

Works for me :slight_smile:

On 12 August 2010 09:10, Mark J. Reed wrote:

Oh, and I saw this on

A note about mode: When specifying the mode, the value can be a quoted
string, eg "644". For a >numeric value (i.e., without quotes), it should be
5 digits, e.g., 00644 to ensure that Ruby can parse it >correctly. For more
detail, see Ticket CHEF-174.

But neither the quotes nor the leading zero helped.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

OK, this is bombing on me:

directory "/foo/bar" do
owner "username'
group "groupname"
mode 0700

I've tried all of

mode "0700"
mode 0700
mode 700
mode "700"

And I always get this:

ERROR: directory[/foo/bar]
`from_file') had an error:
Option mode's value 44 does not match regular expression /^\d{3,4}$/

So it looks like something's converting to decimal (0700 octal = 448
decimal), stripping off the 8 because it's not a legal octal digit,
and then complaining about the invalid mode. Any help here?

This is chef 0.9.8.

Mark J. Reed

Mark J. Reed

Hm. It's working on some hosts but not in others; I will have to
track it down. They're all Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit running 0.9.8, so I'm
a bit perplexed.

Thanks for trying to reproduce it.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 5:19 PM, AJ Christensen wrote:

On chef 0.9.8, using shef -s (standalone), I tested this quite briefly:
Ohai2u aj@AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local!
chef > recipe
chef:recipe > directory "/tmp/foo"
=> #<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f90310 @not_if_args={},
@cookbook_name=nil, @updated=false, @resource_name=:directory,
@notifies_immediate=, @before=nil,
@resources=[#<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f90310 ...>],
@insert_after_idx=nil>, @cookbook_collection={},
@node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8 @name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">,
@definitions={}>, @recursive=false, @not_if=nil, @action=:create,
@name="/tmp/foo", @only_if_args={}, @allowed_actions=[:nothing, :create,
:delete], @noop=nil, @ignore_failure=false, @node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8
@name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">, @only_if=nil,
@enclosing_provider=nil, @supports={}, @params={}, @path="/tmp/foo",
@source_line="(irb#1):1:in irb_binding'", @notifies_delayed=[], @provider=nil> chef:recipe > directory "/tmp/foo" do chef:recipe > mode 00700 chef:recipe ?> end => #<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f89df8 @mode=448, @not_if_args={}, @cookbook_name=nil, @updated=false, @resource_name=:directory, @notifies_immediate=[], @before=nil, @run_context=#<Chef::RunContext:0x101fbda18 @resource_collection=#<Chef::ResourceCollection:0x101fbd928 @resources_by_name={"directory[/tmp/foo]"=>1}, @resources=[#<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f90310 @not_if_args={}, @cookbook_name=nil, @updated=false, @resource_name=:directory, @notifies_immediate=[], @before=nil, @run_context=#<Chef::RunContext:0x101fbda18 ...>, @recursive=false, @not_if=nil, @action=:create, @name="/tmp/foo", @only_if_args={}, @allowed_actions=[:nothing, :create, :delete], @noop=nil, @ignore_failure=false, @node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8 @name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">, @only_if=nil, @enclosing_provider=nil, @supports={}, @params={}, @path="/tmp/foo", @source_line="(irb#1):1:in irb_binding'", @notifies_delayed=,
@provider=nil>, #<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f89df8 ...>],
@insert_after_idx=nil>, @cookbook_collection={},
@node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8 @name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">,
@definitions={}>, @recursive=false, @not_if=nil, @action=:create,
@name="/tmp/foo", @only_if_args={}, @allowed_actions=[:nothing, :create,
:delete], @noop=nil, @ignore_failure=false, @node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8
@name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">, @only_if=nil,
@enclosing_provider=nil, @supports={}, @params={}, @path="/tmp/foo",
@source_line="(irb#1):2:in irb_binding'", @notifies_delayed=[], @provider=nil> chef:recipe > run_chef [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] DEBUG: Processing directory[/tmp/foo] on AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] DEBUG: directory[/tmp/foo] using Chef::Provider::Directory [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] INFO: Creating directory[/tmp/foo] at /tmp/foo [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] DEBUG: Processing directory[/tmp/foo] on AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] DEBUG: directory[/tmp/foo] using Chef::Provider::Directory [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] INFO: Setting mode to 700 for directory[/tmp/foo] => true chef:recipe > ls -la /tmp/foo`
=> "total 0\ndrwx------ 2 aj wheel 68 12 Aug 09:19 .\ndrwxrwxrwt 14
root wheel 476 12 Aug 09:19 ..\n"
Works for me :slight_smile:
On 12 August 2010 09:10, Mark J. Reed wrote:

Oh, and I saw this on

A note about mode: When specifying the mode, the value can be a quoted
string, eg "644". For a >numeric value (i.e., without quotes), it should be
5 digits, e.g., 00644 to ensure that Ruby can parse it >correctly. For more
detail, see Ticket CHEF-174.

But neither the quotes nor the leading zero helped.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

OK, this is bombing on me:

directory "/foo/bar" do
owner "username'
group "groupname"
mode 0700

I've tried all of

mode "0700"
mode 0700
mode 700
mode "700"

And I always get this:

ERROR: directory[/foo/bar]
`from_file') had an error:
Option mode's value 44 does not match regular expression /^\d{3,4}$/

So it looks like something's converting to decimal (0700 octal = 448
decimal), stripping off the 8 because it's not a legal octal digit,
and then complaining about the invalid mode. Any help here?

This is chef 0.9.8.

Mark J. Reed

Mark J. Reed

Mark J. Reed

There are cucumber BDD features for the code, too. I recall Chris Brown
(skeptomai) writing them.

On 12 August 2010 10:40, Mark J. Reed wrote:

Hm. It's working on some hosts but not in others; I will have to
track it down. They're all Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit running 0.9.8, so I'm
a bit perplexed.

Thanks for trying to reproduce it.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 5:19 PM, AJ Christensen

On chef 0.9.8, using shef -s (standalone), I tested this quite briefly:
Ohai2u aj@AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local!
chef > recipe
chef:recipe > directory "/tmp/foo"
=> #<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f90310 @not_if_args={},
@cookbook_name=nil, @updated=false, @resource_name=:directory,
@notifies_immediate=, @before=nil,
@resources=[#<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f90310 ...>],
@insert_after_idx=nil>, @cookbook_collection={},
@node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8 @name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">,
@definitions={}>, @recursive=false, @not_if=nil, @action=:create,
@name="/tmp/foo", @only_if_args={}, @allowed_actions=[:nothing, :create,
:delete], @noop=nil, @ignore_failure=false, @node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8
@name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">, @only_if=nil,
@enclosing_provider=nil, @supports={}, @params={}, @path="/tmp/foo",
@source_line="(irb#1):1:in irb_binding'", @notifies_delayed=[], @provider=nil> chef:recipe > directory "/tmp/foo" do chef:recipe > mode 00700 chef:recipe ?> end => #<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f89df8 @mode=448, @not_if_args={}, @cookbook_name=nil, @updated=false, @resource_name=:directory, @notifies_immediate=[], @before=nil, @run_context=#<Chef::RunContext:0x101fbda18 @resource_collection=#<Chef::ResourceCollection:0x101fbd928 @resources_by_name={"directory[/tmp/foo]"=>1}, @resources=[#<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f90310 @not_if_args={}, @cookbook_name=nil, @updated=false, @resource_name=:directory, @notifies_immediate=[], @before=nil, @run_context=#<Chef::RunContext:0x101fbda18 ...>, @recursive=false, @not_if=nil, @action=:create, @name="/tmp/foo", @only_if_args={}, @allowed_actions=[:nothing, :create, :delete], @noop=nil, @ignore_failure=false, @node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8 @name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">, @only_if=nil, @enclosing_provider=nil, @supports={}, @params={}, @path="/tmp/foo", @source_line="(irb#1):1:in irb_binding'", @notifies_delayed=,
@provider=nil>, #<Chef::Resource::Directory:0x101f89df8 ...>],
@insert_after_idx=nil>, @cookbook_collection={},
@node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8 @name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">,
@definitions={}>, @recursive=false, @not_if=nil, @action=:create,
@name="/tmp/foo", @only_if_args={}, @allowed_actions=[:nothing, :create,
:delete], @noop=nil, @ignore_failure=false, @node=<Chef::Node:0x80fe04b8
@name="AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local">, @only_if=nil,
@enclosing_provider=nil, @supports={}, @params={}, @path="/tmp/foo",
@source_line="(irb#1):2:in irb_binding'", @notifies_delayed=[], @provider=nil> chef:recipe > run_chef [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] DEBUG: Processing directory[/tmp/foo] on AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] DEBUG: directory[/tmp/foo] using Chef::Provider::Directory [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] INFO: Creating directory[/tmp/foo] at /tmp/foo [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] DEBUG: Processing directory[/tmp/foo] on AJ-Christensens-MacBook-Pro.local [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] DEBUG: directory[/tmp/foo] using Chef::Provider::Directory [Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:19:08 +1200] INFO: Setting mode to 700 for directory[/tmp/foo] => true chef:recipe > ls -la /tmp/foo`
=> "total 0\ndrwx------ 2 aj wheel 68 12 Aug 09:19 .\ndrwxrwxrwt
root wheel 476 12 Aug 09:19 ..\n"
Works for me :slight_smile:
On 12 August 2010 09:10, Mark J. Reed wrote:

Oh, and I saw this on

A note about mode: When specifying the mode, the value can be a quoted
string, eg "644". For a >numeric value (i.e., without quotes), it
should be
5 digits, e.g., 00644 to ensure that Ruby can parse it >correctly. For
detail, see Ticket CHEF-174.

But neither the quotes nor the leading zero helped.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Mark J. Reed

OK, this is bombing on me:

directory "/foo/bar" do
owner "username'
group "groupname"
mode 0700

I've tried all of

mode "0700"
mode 0700
mode 700
mode "700"

And I always get this:

ERROR: directory[/foo/bar]
`from_file') had an error:
Option mode's value 44 does not match regular expression /^\d{3,4}$/

So it looks like something's converting to decimal (0700 octal = 448
decimal), stripping off the 8 because it's not a legal octal digit,
and then complaining about the invalid mode. Any help here?

This is chef 0.9.8.

Mark J. Reed

Mark J. Reed

Mark J. Reed

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

OK, this is bombing on me:

directory "/foo/bar" do
owner "username'
group "groupname"
mode 0700

In the case that you're copying and pasting this, I'll note that you
have mismatched quotes around username.


Ah, thanks, but it's correct in my actual recipe. That was an
artifact of the "name changed to protect the innocent" after the
copy and paste. :slight_smile: Thanks, though.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Bryan McLellan wrote:

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

OK, this is bombing on me:

directory "/foo/bar" do
owner "username'
group "groupname"
mode 0700

In the case that you're copying and pasting this, I'll note that you
have mismatched quotes around username.


Mark J. Reed

It seems to break on systems that previously had chef 0.8.16 and then
upgraded to 0.9.8. Systems with a clean install of 0.9.8 work. I've
tried deleting everything I could find related to the 0.8.16 install
but still having the issue, so will probably just start over with a
different image. (The joys of working in AWS).


On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

Ah, thanks, but it's correct in my actual recipe. That was an
artifact of the "name changed to protect the innocent" after the
copy and paste. :slight_smile: Thanks, though.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Bryan McLellan wrote:

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

OK, this is bombing on me:

directory "/foo/bar" do
owner "username'
group "groupname"
mode 0700

In the case that you're copying and pasting this, I'll note that you
have mismatched quotes around username.


Mark J. Reed

Mark J. Reed

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 11:04 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

It seems to break on systems that previously had chef 0.8.16 and then
upgraded to 0.9.8. Systems with a clean install of 0.9.8 work. I've
tried deleting everything I could find related to the 0.8.16 install
but still having the issue, so will probably just start over with a
different image. (The joys of working in AWS).

sudo gem cleanup ?

Yeah, building from scratch is all sorts of win. Thank you automation gods.
