Mongo error

Okay, I'm almost there!
My goal is to have 3 mongo servers set up in a replicaset. I'm
experimenting using VirtualBox with opscode-ubuntu-1204 vm (workstation
is also Ubuntu 12.04).
Below is the code from the Vagrantfile. I think that's what I want.
(I assign different vm.hostname and ip address and chef.node_name to
each of the three servers.)
Mongo is contained in a cookbook wrapper called bti_mongo.
Mongo cookbook is retrieved via Berkshelf: cookbook 'mongodb', ">=
0.12.0", :git => 'git://', branch:
(I tried several versions after discovering the bug introduced by change
from Chef 10 to 11.)

I've just been creating and configuring the nodes with the OpsCode
management site. There is a node named "mongo1" with the bti_mongo recipe.

Anyway, I'm not clear on whether this is a bug in the mongo recipe, or
perhaps due to some error I've made in setting things up.

Any help would be appreciated.



Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "echo Hello"

config.vm.define :mongo1 do |m| = "opscode-ubuntu-1204"
m.vm.hostname = "mongo1" :private_network, ip: ""
m.vm.provision :chef_client do |chef|
chef.node_name = "mongo1"
chef.chef_server_url = "Sign In - Chef Manage"
chef.validation_key_path = ".chef/bti-validator.pem"
chef.validation_client_name = "bti-validator"

Starting vm:

liam@gavilan$ vagrant up mongo1
Bringing machine 'mongo1' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
[mongo1] Setting the name of the VM...
[mongo1] Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
[mongo1] Creating shared folders metadata...
[mongo1] Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
[mongo1] Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
[mongo1] Forwarding ports...
[mongo1] -- 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
[mongo1] Booting VM...
[mongo1] Waiting for VM to boot. This can take a few minutes.
[mongo1] VM booted and ready for use!
[mongo1] Setting hostname...
[mongo1] Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
[mongo1] Mounting shared folders...
[mongo1] -- /vagrant
[mongo1] Running provisioner: shell...
[mongo1] Running: inline script
stdin: is not a tty
[mongo1] Running provisioner: chef_client...
Creating folder to hold client key...
Uploading chef client validation key...
Generating chef JSON and uploading...
[mongo1] Warning: Chef solo run list is empty. This may not be what
you want.
Running chef-client...
stdin: is not a tty
[2013-05-30T07:05:03+00:00] INFO: *** Chef 11.4.4 ***
[2013-05-30T07:05:03+00:00] INFO: [inet6] no default interface,
picking the first ipaddress
[2013-05-30T07:05:03+00:00] INFO: ipaddress and ip6address are set
from different interfaces (eth0 & eth1), macaddress has been set using
the ipaddress interface
[2013-05-30T07:05:04+00:00] INFO: Client key /etc/chef/client.pem is
not present - registering
[2013-05-30T07:05:12+00:00] INFO: Run List is [recipe[bti_mongo]]
[2013-05-30T07:05:12+00:00] INFO: Run List expands to [bti_mongo]
[2013-05-30T07:05:13+00:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for mongo1
[2013-05-30T07:05:13+00:00] INFO: Running start handlers
[2013-05-30T07:05:13+00:00] INFO: Start handlers complete.
[2013-05-30T07:05:17+00:00] INFO: Loading cookbooks [apt, bti_mongo,
mongodb, yum]
[2013-05-30T07:05:20+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/mongos.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:23+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/configserver.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:24+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/10gen_repo.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:25+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:26+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/shard.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:27+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/replicaset.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:27+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/definitions/mongodb.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:28+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/libraries/mongodb.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:29+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/attributes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:30+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/CHANGELOG in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:31+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/Makefile in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:32+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/.gitignore in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:33+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/NOTICE in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:34+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:35+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/LICENSE in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:35+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:36+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/bti_mongo/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:37+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/bti_mongo/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:37+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/bti_mongo/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:38+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/bti_mongo/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:39+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/resources/preference.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:40+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/resources/repository.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:44+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/providers/preference.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:45+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/providers/repository.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:45+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/recipes/cacher-ng.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:46+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:47+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/recipes/cacher-client.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:47+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/attributes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:48+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/Berksfile in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:49+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:50+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/metadata.json in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:51+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/CONTRIBUTING in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:51+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/.gitignore in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:52+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:53+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:54+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/LICENSE in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:54+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:55+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/.kitchen.yml in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:56+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/resources/key.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:57+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/resources/repository.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:57+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/providers/key.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:58+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/providers/repository.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:04+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/repoforge.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:05+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/yum.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:06+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/test.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:07+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/ius.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:07+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:08+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/elrepo.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:09+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/epel.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:10+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/remi.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:10+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/attributes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:11+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/attributes/elrepo.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:12+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/attributes/epel.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:13+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/attributes/remi.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:13+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/Berksfile in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:14+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/metadata.json in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:15+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:16+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/.gitignore in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:17+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:17+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:18+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/LICENSE in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:19+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/.kitchen.yml in the cache.


Recipe Compile Error in



400 "Bad Request"

Cookbook Trace:

block in from_file' /srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/replicaset.rb:24:in from_file'

Relevant File Content:


155: ignore_failure true
156: end
157: end
159: # replicaset
160: if !replicaset_name.nil?
161: rs_nodes = search(
162>> :node,
"mongodb_cluster_name:#{replicaset['mongodb']['cluster_name']} AND
164: recipes:mongodb\:\:replicaset AND
165: mongodb_shard_name:#{replicaset['mongodb']['shard_name']}
166: chef_environment:#{replicaset.chef_environment}"
167: )
169: ruby_block "config_replicaset" do
170: block do
171: if not replicaset.nil?

[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] FATAL: Saving node information to
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] FATAL: Net::HTTPServerException: 400 "Bad
Chef never successfully completed! Any errors should be visible in the
output above. Please fix your recipes so that they properly complete.

Liam Kirsher

You indicate that this is a vagrant/berkshelf setup with multiple VMs. It appears as though that cookbook you are referencing uses search which will not work in a chef-solo run unless you implement the solo search cookbook (GitHub - edelight/chef-solo-search: Data bag search for Chef Solo) as well.

On 2013-05-30, at 3:39 AM, Liam Kirsher wrote:

Okay, I'm almost there!
My goal is to have 3 mongo servers set up in a replicaset. I'm experimenting using VirtualBox with opscode-ubuntu-1204 vm (workstation is also Ubuntu 12.04).
Below is the code from the Vagrantfile. I think that's what I want. (I assign different vm.hostname and ip address and chef.node_name to each of the three servers.)
Mongo is contained in a cookbook wrapper called bti_mongo.
Mongo cookbook is retrieved via Berkshelf: cookbook 'mongodb', ">= 0.12.0", :git => 'git://', branch: "9049ddde9fb6017321c1c9700228add78d2cc44d"
(I tried several versions after discovering the bug introduced by change from Chef 10 to 11.)

I've just been creating and configuring the nodes with the OpsCode management site. There is a node named "mongo1" with the bti_mongo recipe.

Anyway, I'm not clear on whether this is a bug in the mongo recipe, or perhaps due to some error I've made in setting things up.

Any help would be appreciated.



Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "echo Hello"

config.vm.define :mongo1 do |m| = "opscode-ubuntu-1204"
m.vm.hostname = "mongo1" :private_network, ip: ""
m.vm.provision :chef_client do |chef|
chef.node_name = "mongo1"
chef.chef_server_url = "Sign In - Chef Manage"
chef.validation_key_path = ".chef/bti-validator.pem"
chef.validation_client_name = "bti-validator"

Starting vm:

liam@gavilan$ vagrant up mongo1
Bringing machine 'mongo1' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
[mongo1] Setting the name of the VM...
[mongo1] Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
[mongo1] Creating shared folders metadata...
[mongo1] Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
[mongo1] Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
[mongo1] Forwarding ports...
[mongo1] -- 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
[mongo1] Booting VM...
[mongo1] Waiting for VM to boot. This can take a few minutes.
[mongo1] VM booted and ready for use!
[mongo1] Setting hostname...
[mongo1] Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
[mongo1] Mounting shared folders...
[mongo1] -- /vagrant
[mongo1] Running provisioner: shell...
[mongo1] Running: inline script
stdin: is not a tty
[mongo1] Running provisioner: chef_client...
Creating folder to hold client key...
Uploading chef client validation key...
Generating chef JSON and uploading...
[mongo1] Warning: Chef solo run list is empty. This may not be what you want.
Running chef-client...
stdin: is not a tty
[2013-05-30T07:05:03+00:00] INFO: *** Chef 11.4.4 ***
[2013-05-30T07:05:03+00:00] INFO: [inet6] no default interface, picking the first ipaddress
[2013-05-30T07:05:03+00:00] INFO: ipaddress and ip6address are set from different interfaces (eth0 & eth1), macaddress has been set using the ipaddress interface
[2013-05-30T07:05:04+00:00] INFO: Client key /etc/chef/client.pem is not present - registering
[2013-05-30T07:05:12+00:00] INFO: Run List is [recipe[bti_mongo]]
[2013-05-30T07:05:12+00:00] INFO: Run List expands to [bti_mongo]
[2013-05-30T07:05:13+00:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for mongo1
[2013-05-30T07:05:13+00:00] INFO: Running start handlers
[2013-05-30T07:05:13+00:00] INFO: Start handlers complete.
[2013-05-30T07:05:17+00:00] INFO: Loading cookbooks [apt, bti_mongo, mongodb, yum]
[2013-05-30T07:05:20+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/mongos.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:23+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/configserver.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:24+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/10gen_repo.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:25+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:26+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/shard.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:27+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/replicaset.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:27+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/definitions/mongodb.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:28+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/libraries/mongodb.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:29+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/attributes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:30+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/CHANGELOG in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:31+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/Makefile in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:32+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/.gitignore in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:33+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/NOTICE in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:34+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:35+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/LICENSE in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:35+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/mongodb/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:36+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/bti_mongo/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:37+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/bti_mongo/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:37+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/bti_mongo/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:38+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/bti_mongo/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:39+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/resources/preference.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:40+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/resources/repository.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:44+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/providers/preference.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:45+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/providers/repository.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:45+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/recipes/cacher-ng.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:46+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:47+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/recipes/cacher-client.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:47+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/attributes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:48+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/Berksfile in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:49+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:50+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/metadata.json in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:51+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/CONTRIBUTING in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:51+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/.gitignore in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:52+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:53+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:54+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/LICENSE in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:54+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:55+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/apt/.kitchen.yml in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:56+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/resources/key.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:57+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/resources/repository.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:57+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/providers/key.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:58+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/providers/repository.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:04+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/recipes/repoforge.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:05+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/recipes/yum.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:06+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/recipes/test.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:07+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/recipes/ius.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:07+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:08+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/recipes/elrepo.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:09+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/recipes/epel.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:10+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/recipes/remi.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:10+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/attributes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:11+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/attributes/elrepo.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:12+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/attributes/epel.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:13+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/attributes/remi.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:13+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/Berksfile in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:14+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/metadata.json in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:15+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:16+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/.gitignore in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:17+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:17+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:18+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/LICENSE in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:19+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/yum/.kitchen.yml in the cache.


Recipe Compile Error in /srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/bti_mongo/recipes/default.rb



400 "Bad Request"

Cookbook Trace:

/srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/mongodb/definitions/mongodb.rb:162:in block in from_file' /srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/replicaset.rb:24:in from_file'
/srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/bti_mongo/recipes/default.rb:11:in `from_file'

Relevant File Content:


155: ignore_failure true
156: end
157: end
159: # replicaset
160: if !replicaset_name.nil?
161: rs_nodes = search(
162>> :node,
163: "mongodb_cluster_name:#{replicaset['mongodb']['cluster_name']} AND
164: recipes:mongodb\:\:replicaset AND
165: mongodb_shard_name:#{replicaset['mongodb']['shard_name']} AND
166: chef_environment:#{replicaset.chef_environment}"
167: )
169: ruby_block "config_replicaset" do
170: block do
171: if not replicaset.nil?

[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] FATAL: Saving node information to /srv/chef/file_store/failed-run-data.json
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /srv/chef/file_store/chef-stacktrace.out
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] FATAL: Net::HTTPServerException: 400 "Bad Request"
Chef never successfully completed! Any errors should be visible in the
output above. Please fix your recipes so that they properly complete.

Liam Kirsher

It's hosted on OpsCode.
I was able to get past that particular issue by setting the correct
attribute in the correct place.
node.default[:mongodb][:cluster_name] = 'bti'
I had set it in the recipe file, /after/ the include_recipe, which was
too late.
Anyway, there does appear to be some issue with search, but I'll make
that a separate post.

On 05/30/2013 06:22 AM, Mark Pimentel wrote:

You indicate that this is a vagrant/berkshelf setup with multiple VMs.
It appears as though that cookbook you are referencing uses search
which will not work in a chef-solo run unless you implement the solo
search cookbook (GitHub - edelight/chef-solo-search: Data bag search for Chef Solo) as well.

On 2013-05-30, at 3:39 AM, Liam Kirsher <> wrote:

Okay, I'm almost there!
My goal is to have 3 mongo servers set up in a replicaset. I'm
experimenting using VirtualBox with opscode-ubuntu-1204 vm
(workstation is also Ubuntu 12.04).
Below is the code from the Vagrantfile. I think that's what I
want. (I assign different vm.hostname and ip address and
chef.node_name to each of the three servers.)
Mongo is contained in a cookbook wrapper called bti_mongo.
Mongo cookbook is retrieved via Berkshelf: cookbook 'mongodb', ">=
0.12.0", :git => 'git://'
git://', branch:
(I tried several versions after discovering the bug introduced by
change from Chef 10 to 11.)

I've just been creating and configuring the nodes with the OpsCode
management site. There is a node named "mongo1" with the bti_mongo

Anyway, I'm not clear on whether this is a bug in the mongo recipe,
or perhaps due to some error I've made in setting things up.

Any help would be appreciated.



Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "echo Hello"

config.vm.define :mongo1 do |m| = "opscode-ubuntu-1204"
m.vm.hostname = "mongo1" :private_network, ip: ""
m.vm.provision :chef_client do |chef|
chef.node_name = "mongo1"
chef.chef_server_url = "Sign In - Chef Manage"
chef.validation_key_path = ".chef/bti-validator.pem"
chef.validation_client_name = "bti-validator"

Starting vm:

liam@gavilan$ vagrant up mongo1
Bringing machine 'mongo1' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
[mongo1] Setting the name of the VM...
[mongo1] Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
[mongo1] Creating shared folders metadata...
[mongo1] Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
[mongo1] Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
[mongo1] Forwarding ports...
[mongo1] -- 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
[mongo1] Booting VM...
[mongo1] Waiting for VM to boot. This can take a few minutes.
[mongo1] VM booted and ready for use!
[mongo1] Setting hostname...
[mongo1] Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
[mongo1] Mounting shared folders...
[mongo1] -- /vagrant
[mongo1] Running provisioner: shell...
[mongo1] Running: inline script
stdin: is not a tty
[mongo1] Running provisioner: chef_client...
Creating folder to hold client key...
Uploading chef client validation key...
Generating chef JSON and uploading...
[mongo1] Warning: Chef solo run list is empty. This may not be what
you want.
Running chef-client...
stdin: is not a tty
[2013-05-30T07:05:03+00:00] INFO: *** Chef 11.4.4 ***
[2013-05-30T07:05:03+00:00] INFO: [inet6] no default interface,
picking the first ipaddress
[2013-05-30T07:05:03+00:00] INFO: ipaddress and ip6address are set
from different interfaces (eth0 & eth1), macaddress has been set
using the ipaddress interface
[2013-05-30T07:05:04+00:00] INFO: Client key /etc/chef/client.pem is
not present - registering
[2013-05-30T07:05:12+00:00] INFO: Run List is [recipe[bti_mongo]]
[2013-05-30T07:05:12+00:00] INFO: Run List expands to [bti_mongo]
[2013-05-30T07:05:13+00:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for mongo1
[2013-05-30T07:05:13+00:00] INFO: Running start handlers
[2013-05-30T07:05:13+00:00] INFO: Start handlers complete.
[2013-05-30T07:05:17+00:00] INFO: Loading cookbooks [apt, bti_mongo,
mongodb, yum]
[2013-05-30T07:05:20+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/mongos.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:23+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/configserver.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:24+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/10gen_repo.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:25+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:26+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/shard.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:27+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/replicaset.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:27+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/definitions/mongodb.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:28+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/libraries/mongodb.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:29+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/attributes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:30+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/CHANGELOG in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:31+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/Makefile in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:32+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/.gitignore in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:33+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/NOTICE in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:34+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:35+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/LICENSE in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:35+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/mongodb/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:36+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/bti_mongo/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:37+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/bti_mongo/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:37+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/bti_mongo/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:38+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/bti_mongo/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:39+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/resources/preference.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:40+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/resources/repository.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:44+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/providers/preference.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:45+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/providers/repository.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:45+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/recipes/cacher-ng.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:46+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:47+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/recipes/cacher-client.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:47+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/attributes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:48+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/Berksfile in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:49+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:50+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/metadata.json in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:51+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/CONTRIBUTING in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:51+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/.gitignore in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:52+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:53+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:54+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/LICENSE in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:54+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:55+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/apt/.kitchen.yml in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:56+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/resources/key.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:57+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/resources/repository.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:57+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/providers/key.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:05:58+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/providers/repository.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:04+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/repoforge.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:05+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/yum.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:06+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/test.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:07+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/ius.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:07+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:08+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/elrepo.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:09+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/epel.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:10+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/recipes/remi.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:10+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/attributes/default.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:11+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/attributes/elrepo.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:12+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/attributes/epel.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:13+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/attributes/remi.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:13+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/Berksfile in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:14+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/metadata.json in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:15+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:16+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/.gitignore in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:17+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:17+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/ in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:18+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/LICENSE in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:19+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] INFO: Storing updated
cookbooks/yum/.kitchen.yml in the cache.


Recipe Compile Error in



400 "Bad Request"

Cookbook Trace:

block in from_file' /srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/mongodb/recipes/replicaset.rb:24:in from_file'

Relevant File Content:


155: ignore_failure true
156: end
157: end
159: # replicaset
160: if !replicaset_name.nil?
161: rs_nodes = search(
162>> :node,
"mongodb_cluster_name:#{replicaset['mongodb']['cluster_name']} AND
164: recipes:mongodb\:\:replicaset smb://:replicaset AND
mongodb_shard_name:#{replicaset['mongodb']['shard_name']} AND
166: chef_environment:#{replicaset.chef_environment}"
167: )
169: ruby_block "config_replicaset" do
170: block do
171: if not replicaset.nil?

[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] FATAL: Saving node information to
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to
[2013-05-30T07:06:20+00:00] FATAL: Net::HTTPServerException: 400
"Bad Request"
Chef never successfully completed! Any errors should be visible in the
output above. Please fix your recipes so that they properly complete.

Liam Kirsher

Liam Kirsher