I have been following several threads on the list about backing up and
restoring couchdb and re-uploading the cookbooks. However, I need to
move the couchdb, validator.pem, webui.pem and cookbooks to a new server
of the same name. I am migrating from Chef-server running on CentOS 5.7
to a newly installed Chef-Server running on CentOS 6.2.
I am pretty sure I know what to do to backup and restore the couchdb.
What do I need to backup / restore to migrate all the cookbooks and the
chef-validator pubkey, the validation.pem private key and the webui.pem.
I think Kallen migrated his keys and the database.
For me, it was as simple as couchdb-dump on server A (couchdb version
0.11.2), couchdb-load on server B (couchdb version 1.0.1). The API of
course was down while i did this. After updating server.rb to point
couchdb_url, solr_url and ampq urls to the new server, I fired it up and
was ready to go.
Keys, cookbooks, everything came right over w/o issue.
On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Van Fossan,Randy vanfossr@oclc.org wrote:
I have been following several threads on the list about backing up and
restoring couchdb and re-uploading the cookbooks. However, I need to
move the couchdb, validator.pem, webui.pem and cookbooks to a new server
of the same name. I am migrating from Chef-server running on CentOS 5.7
to a newly installed Chef-Server running on CentOS 6.2.
I am pretty sure I know what to do to backup and restore the couchdb.
What do I need to backup / restore to migrate all the cookbooks and the
chef-validator pubkey, the validation.pem private key and the webui.pem.
I think Kallen migrated his keys and the database.
Thanks in advance
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Do couchdb replication to the new chef server (couchdb box)
Delete the existing couchdb entries for webui and validator pems on the new couchdb (there will be duplicates and you have to compare. Had I been better at couchdb replication I think I could have filtered those entries out)
Copied over the /etc/chef stuff
Restarted chef
knife index rebuild
one thing to note in the /etc/chef/server.rb
checksum_path "/var/cache/chef/checksums"
is the location of the actual cookbook files if you arent able to just re upload them.
Cliff Dickerson
c: 213.590.3493
On Mar 8, 2012, at 5:14 PM, Van Fossan,Randy wrote:
I have been following several threads on the list about backing up and
restoring couchdb and re-uploading the cookbooks. However, I need to
move the couchdb, validator.pem, webui.pem and cookbooks to a new server
of the same name. I am migrating from Chef-server running on CentOS 5.7
to a newly installed Chef-Server running on CentOS 6.2.
I am pretty sure I know what to do to backup and restore the couchdb.
What do I need to backup / restore to migrate all the cookbooks and the
chef-validator pubkey, the validation.pem private key and the webui.pem.
I think Kallen migrated his keys and the database.
On Friday, March 9, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Cliff Dickerson wrote:
What I did was:
Do couchdb replication to the new chef server (couchdb box)
Delete the existing couchdb entries for webui and validator pems on the new couchdb (there will be duplicates and you have to compare. Had I been better at couchdb replication I think I could have filtered those entries out)
Copied over the /etc/chef stuff
Restarted chef
knife index rebuild
one thing to note in the /etc/chef/server.rb
checksum_path "/var/cache/chef/checksums"
is the location of the actual cookbook files if you arent able to just re upload them.
If you don't upload your cookbooks, then you need to use knife cookbook bulk delete --purge to clear out the cookbook records in the database. Then you can re-upload all of your cookbooks.