Need help understanding why a bootstrap failed

Tried several things couldnt get my windows workstation to bootstrap my node. This was the error i kept getting:

ran this command

knife bootstrap -U root -N pritunl_server

got this error:

 [pritunl.bytemycookies.local] -----> Existing Chef Infra Client installation detected
 [pritunl.bytemycookies.local] Starting the first Chef Infra Client Client run...
 [pritunl.bytemycookies.local] [2020-06-17T22:06:34-05:00] WARN: *****************************************
[2020-06-17T22:06:34-05:00] WARN: Did not find config file: /etc/chef/client.rb. Using command line         [2020-06-17T22:06:34-05:00] WARN: *****************************************
[2020-06-17T22:06:34-05:00] FATAL: Cannot load configuration from /etc/chef/first-boot.json

Used my mac and it worked the first time! I made sure that my trusted.crt and user.pem were the same on both workstations. my brain is fried right now