I’m playing with Chef handlers, and have the following in a recipe, which simple creates an empty /tmp/node_is_bootstrapped.txt file, and it works.
chef_handler ‘Chef::Handler::ReportNodeBootstrapped’ do
source "/tmp/some_handler.rb"
supports :report => true
action :enable
However, I get this warning
chef_handler[Chef::Handler::ReportNodeBootstrapped] action enable[2015-06-26T16:09:08-04:00] WARN: Using an LWRP by its name (Chef::Resource::ChefHandler) directly is no longer supported in Chef 13 and will be removed. Use Chef::Resource.resource_for_node(node, name) instead.
Where is the documentation to explain how to do this? IOW, how would the chef_handler resource call change? What do I put in ‘node’ and ‘name’
Chef_handler ‘Chef::Resource.resource_for_node(node, name)’ do
source "/tmp/some_handler.rb"
supports :report => true
action :enable