I need to pass some connection string to update my web.config file for the IIS deployment.
I tried various method using xml parameters but no luck.
Need a help that how can i pass the connection string using the recipe.
Thanks in advance
I need to pass some connection string to update my web.config file for the IIS deployment.
I tried various method using xml parameters but no luck.
Need a help that how can i pass the connection string using the recipe.
Thanks in advance
We wrote a custom resource that wraps around the iis_config resource. The iis_config basically wraps appcmd.exe
You could use the iis_config
resource directly in your recipes, but appcmd.exe
is hard to make idempotent. By wrapping iis_config
in a custom resource, it ensures appcmd.exe
is executed only when needed.
Using IIS cookbook 4.1.9 (some things may have changed in the IIS 5.0.0 cookbook)
In the recipe
foo_session 'bar' do
site 'foobar'
action :nothing
resource_name :foo_session
property :site, String, required: true
default_action :sql
action :redis do
# appcmd.exe clear config 'MySite/foobar' '-section:system.web/sessionState'
iis_config 'foobar session clear' do
cfg_cmd "MySite/#{node['mycookbook']['site']} -section:system.web/sessionState"
action :clear
# appcmd.exe set config 'MySite/foobar' '-section:system.web/sessionState' '-mode:Custom' '-timeout:90' '-customProvider:RedisSessionStateStoreProvider'
iis_config 'session redis' do
cfg_cmd "MySite/#{site} -section:system.web/sessionState \"-mode:#{node['mycookbook']['session_mode']}\" \"-customProvider:#{node['mycookbook']['session_custom_provider']}\" \"-timeout:#{node['mycookbook']['session_timeout']}\""
action :set
action :sql do
# appcmd clear config 'MySite/foobar' '-section:system.web/sessionState'
iis_config 'session clear' do
cfg_cmd "MySite/#{node['mycookbook']['site']} -section:system.web/sessionState"
action :clear
# appcmd.exe set config 'MySite/foobar' '-section:system.web/sessionState' '-mode:SQLServer' '-allowCustomSqlDatabase:true' '-sqlConnectionString:network=xxxxx; initial catalog=xxxxxx; user id=xxxxx; connection lifetime=xxxx;max pool size=xxxx;data source=xxxxx; failover partner=xxxxxx; password=xxxxxx' '-cookieless:xxxx' '-timeout:90'
iis_config 'session sql' do
cfg_cmd "MySite/#{node['mycookbook']['site']} -section:system.web/sessionState \"-mode:#{node['mycookbook']['session_mode']}\" \"-allowCustomSqlDatabase:#{node['mycookbook']['session_allowcustomdatabase']}\" \"-sqlConnectionString:#{node['mycookbook']['session_sqlconnectionstring']}\" \"-cookieless:#{node['mycookbook']['session_cookieless']}\" \"-timeout:#{node['mycookbook']['session_timeout']}\""
action :set
Then when doing a deploy, the foo_session
recipe is ‘notified’ with either a redis
or sql
windows_zipfile 'unpack_foo' do
source c:\somezip.zip
path c:\somelocation
notifies 'redis', 'foo_session[bar]', :delayed
@spuder …Thanks a lot for your reply and help…
I have already written a cookbook for the successful deployment wherein site ,application, pool and the folder structure under the site is successfully done.
Now while passing the connection string parameters using the recipe I could not update my SQL server.
So according to you do I need to define the connection string parameter in resources of my cookbook.
I did not get the clear picture can you please little more.I will be thankful for your act of kindness.
Thanks in advance
I've updated my previous message to make this a little more clear.
The attributes are variables that are set at the role/environment level
"my-cookbook": {
"session": "redis",
"site": "foobar",
"session_mode": "Custom",
"timeout": 90,
"session_custom_provider": "RedisStateStoreProvider"
The cookbook takes those attributes, and generates the correct appcmd.exe command
appcmd.exe set config 'MySite/foobar' '-section:system.web/sessionState' '-mode:#{node['my-cookbook']['session_mode']}' '-timeout:#{node['my-cookbook']['timeout']}' '-customProvider:#{node['my-cookbook']['session_custom_provider']}'
appcmd.exe set config 'MySite/foobar' '-section:system.web/sessionState' '-mode:Custom' '-timeout:90' '-customProvider:RedisSessionStateStoreProvider'
So according to you do I need to define the connection string parameter in resources of my cookbook.
Yes, the connection string needs to either be hard coded in the cookbook, or generated using variables.
Thanks a lot…
This makes a lot of sense to me.
Let me try out this in my environment.If any issue I will get back to you.
Thanks a lot once again