New Fauxhai and Chefspec releases

For all those unit testers our there, new releases of Fauxhai and Chefspec have been shipped. These are pretty minor releases, but there’s a few nice fixes you might appreciate

Fauxhai 3.2.0:

  • The Ohai dumps for OS X and Solaris have been updated to better reflect current Ohai data
  • Mocked Chef packages paths are now Omnibus paths vs. gem install paths
  • node[‘virtualization’][‘systems’] is now included for all platforms. If you check to see if you’re on a VM in your cookbooks, your specs won’t fail with Nil errors now.

ChefSpec 4.6.1

  • Chefspec now uses the same :file_cache_path across converges. This prevents the enormous number of deprecation notices you might have noticed lately
