Omnibus Cookbook 2.0.0

Ohai Chefs!

I just released Omnibus Cookbook v2.0.0 which includes a number of new features:


  • Add support for Mac OS X
  • Update Rubocop
  • Update to Berkshelf 3
  • Reduce number of dependencies on community cookbooks
  • Packaged custom ChefSpec matchers
  • Added checksum verifications for installing remote packages
  • Support multiple rubies with ruby-install and chruby
  • Ensure a consistent version of bash everywhere by compiling from source
  • Improved test suite and coverage
  • Use a consistent version of git by compiling from source


  • Dropped support for smartos
  • Dropped support for solaris2


As always, please test this cookbook in isolation before rolling out changes to your infrastructure. If you have any issues or questions, please open an issue on GitHub.

Happy bussing!
Seth Vargo

Hey Seth,

I just ran across this now, so please excuse the late reply.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 10:51 AM, Seth Vargo wrote:


  • Dropped support for smartos
  • Dropped support for solaris2

Could you explain the breakage in this release, i.e. why were smartos
and solaris2 platform support dropped?

Changelog: Release v2.0.0 · chef-boneyard/omnibus · GitHub
Comparing 1.2.4...v2.0.0 · chef-boneyard/omnibus · GitHub

As always, please test this cookbook in isolation before rolling out changes
to your infrastructure. If you have any issues or questions, please open an
issue on GitHub.

I checked if there was already an issue raised, but found only the
integration of smartos support from a year ago:

The removal's here:

I've been working (in the background) on getting better support for
smartos in cookbooks, and something like this seems like a step

Thanks for any feedback you can give,

  • Dimitri