Hi Chefs,
I’m trying to install a custom rails application with chef, using
application_ruby cookbook with passenger_apache2 sub-resource and chef-rvm
(rvm) cookbook.
I’m using chef-zero (local_mode true) to test it, in order to avoid any
chef-solo impact and I’m currently using chef-11.8.2 omnibus installation
on CentOS6.5_x64.
By manually applying https://github.com/poise/application_ruby/pull/48
I managed to achieve the whole installation without using rvm, but in this
way installation is done by embedded (omnibus) ruby and I would like to
avoid it in order to be able to control ruby version my application will
run with.
Unfortunately I cannot manage the whole installation working with rvm (even
using bleeding edge version from master).
This is my wrapper recipe:
These are involved attributes:
This is the error running with params-only hash to pass attribute to
This is the errror with explicit override of root_path (third run on the
same VM instance):
override[‘passenger’][‘root_path’] = '/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0’
This is the errror with explicit override of root_path (first run on new VM
Again second run (after re-login to set env variable after rvm install)
uses rvm:
I only found this thread googling around:
and would like to know if anyboby else has been able to manage such a
Any help would be very appreciated 
Ing. Marco Betti
RHCE RHEL4 id 804006512121056
I too cannot install rvm with rvm cookbook, or system,
I write my own custom code to install rvm in user code.
See my own rvm recipe )
Hope this help. This worked in production some months.
I cannot share all cookbook now.
I hope in future do it, but i need some refactoring )
See joshua timberman cookbook to setup redmine too (google it).
2014-02-13 16:39 GMT+04:00 Marco Betti m.betti@gmail.com:
Hi Chefs,
I'm trying to install a custom rails application with chef, using
application_ruby cookbook with passenger_apache2 sub-resource and chef-rvm
(rvm) cookbook.
I'm using chef-zero (local_mode true) to test it, in order to avoid any
chef-solo impact and I'm currently using chef-11.8.2 omnibus installation
on CentOS6.5_x64.
By manually applying [COOK-4273] Fix "can't find bundle_options resource" error by caleb · Pull Request #48 · poise/application_ruby · GitHub
I managed to achieve the whole installation without using rvm, but in this
way installation is done by embedded (omnibus) ruby and I would like to
avoid it in order to be able to control ruby version my application will
run with.
Unfortunately I cannot manage the whole installation working with rvm
(even using bleeding edge version from master).
This is my wrapper recipe:
inst_cd.rb · GitHub
These are involved attributes:
inst_cd.attributes.rb · GitHub
This is the error running with params-only hash to pass attribute to
This is the errror with explicit override of root_path (third run on the
same VM instance):
override['passenger']['root_path'] = '/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0'
third_run_with_override · GitHub
This is the errror with explicit override of root_path (first run on new
VM instance):
First_run_with_override · GitHub
Again second run (after re-login to set env variable after rvm install)
uses rvm:
second_run_with_override · GitHub
I only found this thread googling around:
chef - [chef] passenger_apache2 and RVM
and would like to know if anyboby else has been able to manage such a
Any help would be very appreciated 
Ing. Marco Betti
RHCE RHEL4 id 804006512121056
Faithfully yours,
CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev