Php cookbook and pecl/pear

Hi all,
Need help with php cookbook from and pecl/pear installation

In my cookbook I include this php cookbook by “depends “php”” in
metadata.rb and after that can use
pecl extentions like this

php_pear “mongo” do
package_name "mongo"
action :install

But I need work with pecl/pear without dependent cookbooks (I know its
not correct desition, but have no choice)
So when try copy resources and providers folders to my cookbook - it
doesn’t help.

How I can copy this functionality to my cookbook?

С Уважением,
Алексей Христов

Департамент RnD
Отдел Web

The Opscode wiki documentation says,

Lightweight Resources and Providers are loaded from files in a Cookbook's
"resources" and "providers" directories. Resource and Provider names
combine the cookbook name and the file name with an underscore. The only
exception to this convention are files named 'default.rb'. In this case,
the Resource or Provider is named according to the cookbook name only.

So if you added the 'pear.rb' resource to your cookbook (myphp) then you
would refer to the resource as 'myphp_pear'.

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Alexey Khristov a.khristov@2gis.kiev.uawrote:

Hi all,
Need help with php cookbook from pecl/pear installation

In my cookbook I include this php cookbook by "depends "php"" in
metadata.rb and after that can use
pecl extentions like this

php_pear "mongo" do
package_name "mongo"
action :install

But I need work with pecl/pear without dependent cookbooks (I know its not
correct desition, but have no choice)
So when try copy resources and providers folders to my cookbook - it
doesn't help.

How I can copy this functionality to my cookbook?

С Уважением,
Алексей Христов

Департамент RnD
Отдел Web
