Morning. I was looking through the mailing list and can’t find a topic about this. I have configured a CA for Chef-Server but it doesn’t seem to be the same approach for Supermarket. Here is what I have done.
vi /etc/supermarket/supermarket.rb
Changed these lines
default[‘supermarket’][‘nginx’][‘force_ssl’] = true
default[‘supermarket’][‘ssl’][‘certificate’] = '/var/opt/supermarket/ssl/ca/chefsupermarket.***.crt’
default[‘supermarket’][‘ssl’][‘certificate_key’] = ‘/var/opt/supermarket/ssl/ca/chefsupermarket.***.key’
Added the certs to that location and ran:
supermarket-ctl reconfigure
supermarket-ctl restart nginx
Launch Website and get connection refused: I see in the supermarket.rb it states:
If a key and certificate are not provided, a self-signed certificate will be
generated. To use your own, provide the paths to them and ensure SSL is
enabled in Nginx:
How Do I enable Nginx? I think that is the only thing I am missing.