If I do a quick netcat on the vagrant box to itself with localhost/127.0.01
as the address, it works.
nc -w0 -u 514 <<< "This is awesome"
But if I use either of the two ip addresses on the vagrantbox, it doesn't
work. And iptables/ip6tables is off.
That's what's making me think it's a rsyslog configuration, but I could be
I can ssh into the vagrant guest from my laptop using the vagrant user and
the vagrant guest ip address with a normal ssh command and not the vagrant
ssh, so network access from host to guest is working.
On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 12:27 PM, THARP, JOSHUA L jt3518@att.com wrote:
Are you sure you have the Vagrant box configured to allow for remote
From: Eric Feldhusen [mailto:efeldhusen.lists@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 8:29 AM
To: chef@lists.opscode.com
Subject: [chef] Question on community rsyslog cookbook
I'm testing out the community rsyslog cookbook on a Vagrant box and I'm
sure I'm making some simple mistake somewhere, but I can't seem to get the
rsyslog recipe to make the rsyslog daemon listen to remote connections.
I'm using the stock rsyslog recipe and below are my attributes I'm passing
to the vagrant box.
"rsyslog" => {
"server" => "true",
"server_ip" => "",
"protocol" => "udp",
"port" => "514",
"log_dir" => "/var/log",
"remote_logs" => "true",
"user" => "root",
"group" => "root",
"high_precision_timestamps" => "true"
Any suggestions?