Well ... no web-ui is a showstopper for us.
We have a lot of
people working with it, mainly doing attribute edition and role/node
Peolple involved for this are quite unable to work with
command line tools 
I "wish" to find time to add ldap/AD support for
web-ui authentication but I can't for now.
Learning web-ui will be
discontinued is really sad for me as I spent time to spread chef usage
within my company and this only point will be a wall on the road.
Moreover and talking only for myself (but that may apply elsewhere):
this is the typical choice to give a cold shower toward any company
'trying' an open source project to see if it will fit or not.
brief: I've the feeling I did loose 3 or 4 months working and talking
about chef here as I know it won't be deployed more widely without a
Le 2013-02-10 03:26, Bryan McLellan a écrit :
I'm not sure how I successfully disabled the webui this morning, but
other Opscode folks tell me the correct
/etc/chef-server/chef-server.rb entry to disable the webui is this:
chef_server_webui['enable'] = false
Then run 'sudo chef-server-ctl
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Jesse Campbell
hikeit@gmail.com wrote:
Is the intention that starting with chef
12 server, the webui will be a value add of the hosted/private
Not exactly. Opscode Hosted and Private Chef (OHC + OPC)
have had a
separate webui from Open Source for a long time. As we
announced [1], we've rewritten the OHC/OPC webui and added
support for
new OPC features (and OHC where applicable) like activity
and push client runs. So yes, there is a big value-add
there, but
that's not why we're deprecating it.
In the history of
the Open Source chef-server-webui project there have
only been 20
contributions with 37 commits (since August 2009). That's
less than
one a month if you spread it out. We breathed a little life
into it by
porting it from merb to rails3 but it is a completely
project from our webui, so there's nothing to trickle down
to it. In
the face of multiple security patches in under a week, most
people not
using it, and very few developing it, it is more of a
liability than a
Now, if anyone was about to say, "I love the webui, wanted
to work on
it and just found a ton of spare time," we should talk
about long-term