I apologize ahead of time for the subject line. I hit send before I should have
Phillip Roberts | Sr. Linux Systems Administrator
MyBuyshttp://www.mybuys.com/ - Know Every Consumer
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From: Phillip Roberts [mailto:proberts@mybuys.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 1:08 PM
To: chef@lists.opscode.com
Subject: [chef] Ohai Chefs!
Is there a way to make a recipe only write a template file if the file doesn’t exist or if the template has changed?
For instance, I have a recipe that generates zone files for bind based off of a list of domains in a data bag. However, on every chef-client run, it is regenerating the file, which is also regenerating the serial number.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Phillip Roberts | Sr. Linux Systems Administrator
MyBuyshttp://www.mybuys.com/ - Know Every Consumer
O 734.922.7014| M 614.423.9871 | proberts@mybuys.commailto:proberts@mybuys.com
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