We have had similar issues and found that mysql isn’t picking up any over ride cnf files.
Our way around it is to use our own version of the mysql.cnf.erb in our recipe like so:
Override the existing MySQL my.cnf template as the default one doesn’t support replication
t = resources(:template => “#{node[‘mysql’][‘conf_dir’]}/my.cnf”)
t.source “mysql_my.cnf.erb” t.cookbook "ninefold_app"
rescue Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound
raise "Could not find template #{node[‘mysql’][‘conf_dir’]}/my.cnf to modify"
It looks like you're doing a bit of what Bryan Berry's chef-rewind 0 does.
When you say that mysql isn't picking up any override files, can you
elaborate on that? There's a strict hierarchy MySQL uses to load
configuration files 1, and it's typically "last one wins".
We have had similar issues and found that mysql isn't picking up any over ride cnf files.
Our way around it is to use our own version of the mysql.cnf.erb in our recipe like so:
Override the existing MySQL my.cnf template as the default one doesn't support replication
t = resources(:template => "#{node['mysql']['conf_dir']}/my.cnf")
t.source "mysql_my.cnf.erb" t.cookbook "ninefold_app"
rescue Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound
raise "Could not find template #{node['mysql']['conf_dir']}/my.cnf to modify"