Release Announcement: knife-hp 0.4.0 released

Greetings from Chef,

We’ve released knife-hp 0.4.0, available for installation as a gem via
Rubygems. This is a major update to the plugin, refactored to support
HP’s 13.5 release and is no longer compatible with the previous API
(deprecated by HP as well). If you are still using the older version
of the API, you may need version 0.3.1 of this plugin, HP’s migration
and upgrade instructions are here:

In addition to supporting 13.5 HP Helion Public Cloud Services
(KNIFE-444), the following new features were added:

  • Added support for HP’s regions (US East and US West) and the
    availability zones within those regions
  • Added ‘knife hp network list’
  • Added --floating-ip address support
  • Added --networks to specify networks to attach to
  • Replaced --private-network with --bootstrap-network

Further information for knife-hp can be found on Github at You can share your suggestions or
report issues with knife-hp in our ticket system at That project is also where
you file your own improvements in the form of pull requests.

Thanks for using Chef with HP Public Cloud.

Matt Ray
Director of Partner Integration :: Chef
512.731.2218 ::
mattray :: GitHub :: IRC :: Twitter