After doing a backup, then a restore I recived an error and now the system is broken (no web UI and knife commands fail too). I performed this on a newly built server in order to test backups before using chef12 for production.
To backup I issued:
`chef-server-ctl backup -y`
To restore I issued:
`chef-server-ctl restore /var/opt/chef-backup/chef-backup-2016-08-12-20-09-41.tgz`
The error given at the end of the restore is:
`opscode-reporting Reconfigured!
[ERROR] No such file or directory - opscode-analytics-ctl`
Since this chef12 instance is pre-production I can just blow it all away and start over, but I would like to understand why a simple backup and restore failed. Anybody recognize what might have gone wrong?