Right method to find documentation?


I keep trying but can’t find the documentation I need. I have
discovered the bash and remote_file command available in a recipe, but
I can’t find any reference documentation about them.
I tried man, google, the wiki, …

Thx in advance for helping me understand how the documentation is
structured. That will help me lear Chef much faster.


Web database: http://www.myowndb.com
Free Software Developers Meeting: http://www.fosdem.org

bash, remote_file, etc. are called Resources in term of Chef. The following
link should help:
http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/ResourcesYou can use internal
confluence wiki search engine; it's quite helpful. To start working, I
recommend you to start from


On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 4:08 PM, Raphael Bauduin rblists@gmail.com wrote:


I keep trying but can't find the documentation I need. I have
discovered the bash and remote_file command available in a recipe, but
I can't find any reference documentation about them.
I tried man, google, the wiki, .....

Thx in advance for helping me understand how the documentation is
structured. That will help me lear Chef much faster.


Web database: http://www.myowndb.com
Free Software Developers Meeting: http://www.fosdem.org

Mike Scherbakov,
Grid Dynamics

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 3:42 PM, Mike Scherbakov
mscherbakov@griddynamics.com wrote:

bash, remote_file, etc. are called Resources in term of Chef. The following
link should help:

Thanks, that's what I was looking for!

You can use internal confluence wiki search engine; it's quite helpful. To
start working, I recommend you to start from

I searched for bash and remote_file, but result were not useful



On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 4:08 PM, Raphael Bauduin rblists@gmail.com wrote:


I keep trying but can't find the documentation I need. I have
discovered the bash and remote_file command available in a recipe, but
I can't find any reference documentation about them.
I tried man, google, the wiki, .....

Thx in advance for helping me understand how the documentation is
structured. That will help me lear Chef much faster.


Web database: http://www.myowndb.com
Free Software Developers Meeting: http://www.fosdem.org

Mike Scherbakov,
Grid Dynamics

Web database: http://www.myowndb.com
Free Software Developers Meeting: http://www.fosdem.org