hi. when i run chef-client on the cmdline, it won’t exit, it holds open
my pts. shouldn’t it exit? when the cmdline run is complete, i have to
ctrl-c to get my prompt back.
is using the “–once” switch the proper thing to do? if memory serves,
i didn’t used to have to do that. maybe that was a prior release…
on my system, chef-client is running as a daemon (using -d).
below are the details.
client: centos 5.7, chef 0.10.4.
the process list:
[root@proxy1-dev ~]# ps wwwwaxuf | grep chef-clien[t]
root 14527 6.4 5.2 94812 91268 pts/0 S+ 00:53 0:14 | _ /usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/chef-client
root 4205 0.5 5.1 94112 89876 ? S 00:24 0:11 /usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/chef-client -d -c /etc/chef/client.rb -L /var/log/chef/client.log -P /var/run/chef/client.pid -i 21600 -s 20
lsof -p 14527:
chef-clie 14527 root 0u CHR 136,0 2 /dev/pts/0
chef-clie 14527 root 1u CHR 136,0 2 /dev/pts/0
chef-clie 14527 root 2u CHR 136,0 2 /dev/pts/0
chef-clie 14527 root 3r FIFO 0,6 23443298 pipe
chef-clie 14527 root 4w FIFO 0,6 23443298 pipe
the way i’m invoking it on the commandline is like so:
[root@proxy1-dev /]# chef-client
[Wed, 02 Nov 2011 00:53:30 +0000] INFO: *** Chef 0.10.4 ***
[Wed, 02 Nov 2011 00:53:32 +0000] INFO: Run List is [role[base], role[mail-client],[snip]
[Wed, 02 Nov 2011 00:54:35 +0000] INFO: Running report handlers
[Wed, 02 Nov 2011 00:54:35 +0000] INFO: Report handlers complete
… ctrl-c issued here
[Wed, 02 Nov 2011 00:58:00 +0000] FATAL: SIGINT received, stopping
[root@proxy1-dev /]#
lsof -p 4205, the daemon, fwiw:
chef-clie 4205 root 0r CHR 1,3 780 /dev/null
chef-clie 4205 root 1w CHR 1,3 780 /dev/null
chef-clie 4205 root 2w CHR 1,3 780 /dev/null
chef-clie 4205 root 3w REG 8,1 571850 937490 /var/log/chef/chef.log
chef-clie 4205 root 4r FIFO 0,6 23403940 pipe
chef-clie 4205 root 5w FIFO 0,6 23403940 pipe
chef-clie 4205 root 6w REG 8,1 45549 937784 /var/log/chef/client.log
chef-clie 4205 root 7r FIFO 0,6 23411440 pipe
chef-clie 4205 root 8w FIFO 0,6 23411440 pipe
chef-clie 4205 root 12r FIFO 0,6 23411409 pipe