Server and client on the same node


I am planning an infrastructure in which the server will be a client-node.

My plan is:

  1. Bootstrap a server with chef-solo and my chef-repo (cookbooks, roles and
  2. Setup the server with my chef-repo from a workstation
  3. Turn the chef-server into a node with chef-server cookbook

Anyone has experience on that? Is a best practice?


Hi Jordi,

you may want to try out the knife-server plugin for this. It worked quite
well for me:

It sets up a chef server and afaicr also registers itself as a chef client
(your points 2) & 3))

Once it is up and running, you can upload your chef repo using rake install from within your chef repo (point 1))


On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 7:36 AM, Jordi Llonch wrote:


I am planning an infrastructure in which the server will be a client-node.

My plan is:

  1. Bootstrap a server with chef-solo and my chef-repo (cookbooks, roles
    and databags).
  2. Setup the server with my chef-repo from a workstation
  3. Turn the chef-server into a node with chef-server cookbook

Anyone has experience on that? Is a best practice?


hi jordi,
this is pretty much the standard approach. In most cases chef server is
also a chef client, and chef server installation mediated via chef-solo. It
is a community wide practice (well tested, and well documented). You can
expect the server setup process to be much lighter with chef server 11
omnibus packages soon,

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Jordi Llonch wrote:


I am planning an infrastructure in which the server will be a client-node.

My plan is:

  1. Bootstrap a server with chef-solo and my chef-repo (cookbooks, roles
    and databags).
  2. Setup the server with my chef-repo from a workstation
  3. Turn the chef-server into a node with chef-server cookbook

Anyone has experience on that? Is a best practice?
