Small Issue with windows_registry ressource/provider

Hi Guys,
Sorry If I am in the wrong list, just let me know.
When I use the windows_registry from the windows cookbook against a windows
server (my case 2008 R2).
It works perfectly on everything except if I put a value = 0 type bianry , it
will write 30 in the registry.
Thanks for the help

Here is the call from teh recipe:
windows_registry ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datagram\SyslogAgent’ do
action :create
values ‘UsePingBeforeSend’ => 0, ‘ForwardEventLogs’ => 0,
‘ForwardApplicationLogs’ => 0,

And he log chef-client debug (on the remote windows machine)
[2013-01-19T21:57:22+00:00] DEBUG: Creating
[2013-01-19T21:57:22+00:00] DEBUG: Getting hive for
[2013-01-19T21:57:22+00:00] DEBUG: Resolving registry shortcuts to full names
[2013-01-19T21:57:22+00:00] DEBUG: Hive resolved to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
[2013-01-19T21:57:22+00:00] DEBUG: Registry hive resolved to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
[2013-01-19T21:57:22+00:00] DEBUG: Getting hive for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
[2013-01-19T21:57:22+00:00] DEBUG: Resolving registry shortcuts to full names
[2013-01-19T21:57:22+00:00] DEBUG: Hive resolved to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
[2013-01-19T21:57:22+00:00] DEBUG: Registry hive resolved to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
[2013-01-19T21:57:22+00:00] DEBUG: setting binary=0