I’m trying to use an encrypted data bag in a recipe. I first push the key out, then use the key on the data bag. When I run the recipe it throws an error that the key cannot be found. If I touch a file on the remote node called /tmp/databag_key, the recipe works.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
keyfile = ‘/tmp/databag_key’
cookbook_file keyfile do
source keyfile
owner node[‘install_user’]
group node[‘install_group’]
mode '0600’
secret = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load_secret(keyfile)
db_keys = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load(node[‘esp_init’][‘database’], ‘items’, secret)
template node[‘esp_init’][‘install_loc’] do
variables(myusername: db_keys[‘username’],
mypassword: db_keys[‘password’],
mydatabase: db_keys[‘database’])
source 'esp_init.erb’
owner node[‘install_user’]
group node[‘install_group’]
mode '0600’
only_if { ::File.exist?(keyfile) }
file keyfile do
only_if { ::File.exist?(keyfile) }
action :delete
ignore_failure true