Starting service

I have this error

[Mon, 12 Dec 2011 12:24:01 -0700] ERROR: Chef::Exceptions::UnsupportedAction: service[portmap] (apol_db::nfs line 27) had an error: #<Chef::Provider::Service::Init:0x2b0d03852420> does not support :enable

my line 27 is

service “portmap” doaction [ :enable, :start ]end

what am I missing?

On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 2:30 PM, wrote:

I have this error

[Mon, 12 Dec 2011 12:24:01 -0700] ERROR:
Chef::Exceptions::UnsupportedAction: service[portmap] (apol_db::nfs line 27)
had an error: #Chef::Provider::Service::Init:0x2b0d03852420 does not
support :enable

my line 27 is

service "portmap" do
action [ :enable, :start ]

what am I missing?

What's your os? You appear to be ending up trying to use the default
provider for service, which is just "Init".

Looking here:

It appears that the init provider doesn't do ":enable". If the package
has already deposited your start script in /etc/init.d (or wheverver)
you may may be able to safely just :start it without the :enable.
