Hi list,
We have two issues with chef at the moment. The first is that we want to
write execute resources that leverage rsync and be able to behave in
different ways based on the stderr/stdout of the rsync command. It looks
like chef is specifically written to discard stderr/stdout with the
exception of console output, which isn’t useful outside of debugging
if STDOUT.tty? && !Chef::Config[:daemon] && Chef::Log.info?
opts[:live_stream] = STDOUT
The second is that we would like to use chef’s exception/report framework
that is available after throwing an exception, but without throwing an
exception. Is there a way to trigger an exception that does not cause chef
to fail, or a way to use the exception/report framework without throwing an
exception? There are many cases where we want to be notified of changes on
a chef client, but do not want chef to terminate.
Currently we are working on redefining the Chef::RunStatus class to give us
stderr/stdout, and writing a custom execute resource to pipe the
stderr/stdout. If there are ways to do this without modifying chef
internals, let us know, as we would prefer to run a vanilla chef install.
The execute resource is really for executing a simple shell command. If you
need a more complex set of shell commands or scripts in scripting
languages, you should either
- use the script resource
- use the file or template resource to write a script file and the
execute resource for executing that script file
You can write a handler that handles both success and failure, i.e., that
is both an exception handler and a report handler. The handler will be
triggered at the end of the run, whether the run succeeded or failed, and
you can use it to find the resources you're interested in and check whether
their states changed.
None of this requires modifying Chef's internals.
On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 1:11 PM, 2bjc 466 2bjc466@gmail.com wrote:
Hi list,
We have two issues with chef at the moment. The first is that we want to
write execute resources that leverage rsync and be able to behave in
different ways based on the stderr/stdout of the rsync command. It looks
like chef is specifically written to discard stderr/stdout with the
exception of console output, which isn't useful outside of debugging
if STDOUT.tty? && !Chef::Config[:daemon] && Chef::Log.info?
opts[:live_stream] = STDOUT
The second is that we would like to use chef's exception/report framework
that is available after throwing an exception, but without throwing an
exception. Is there a way to trigger an exception that does not cause chef
to fail, or a way to use the exception/report framework without throwing an
exception? There are many cases where we want to be notified of changes on
a chef client, but do not want chef to terminate.
Currently we are working on redefining the Chef::RunStatus class to give
us stderr/stdout, and writing a custom execute resource to pipe the
stderr/stdout. If there are ways to do this without modifying chef
internals, let us know, as we would prefer to run a vanilla chef install.
On Monday, April 9, 2012 at 10:11 AM, 2bjc 466 wrote:
Hi list,
We have two issues with chef at the moment. The first is that we want to write execute resources that leverage rsync and be able to behave in different ways based on the stderr/stdout of the rsync command. It looks like chef is specifically written to discard stderr/stdout with the exception of console output, which isn't useful outside of debugging (provider/execute.rb):
if STDOUT.tty? && !Chef::Config[:daemon] && Chef::Log.info (http://Log.info)?
opts[:live_stream] = STDOUT
The second is that we would like to use chef's exception/report framework that is available after throwing an exception, but without throwing an exception. Is there a way to trigger an exception that does not cause chef to fail, or a way to use the exception/report framework without throwing an exception? There are many cases where we want to be notified of changes on a chef client, but do not want chef to terminate.
Exception handlers run on failure, whereas report handlers run on success. They actually use the same API, so you could write/configure a handler plugin to do both if you like.
Currently we are working on redefining the Chef::RunStatus class to give us stderr/stdout, and writing a custom execute resource to pipe the stderr/stdout. If there are ways to do this without modifying chef internals, let us know, as we would prefer to run a vanilla chef install.
You could write a LWRP that uses the ShellOut code to run rsync and then makes decisions based on the output. ShellOut recently got extracted to its own project (mixlib-shellout), you can read the inline documentation here: mixlib-shellout/lib/mixlib/shellout.rb at master · chef/mixlib-shellout · GitHub
Within Chef, you can include Chef::MixinShellOut
to get helper functions that allow you to execute commands without going through the OOP dance:
Dan DeLeo