I m a newbie to Chef/opscode, We have a django website which uses a customized
Django version and its available on github, So normally we clone it or pull it
using git. I would like to create a recipe for this. So that when I run_list
for the cookbook to install the django version from github. Please do let me
know if its possible.
You could use the git resource[0] to install the custom the custom Django
from Github. We also just released an updated Python cookbook[1] that comes
with an LWRP for managing pip packages if this custom Django build is
available that way.
Opscode, Inc.
Seth Chisamore, Technical Evangelist
T: (404) 348-0505 E: schisamo@opscode.com
Twitter, IRC, Github: schisamo
[0] http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Deploy+Resource
[1] http://ckbk.it/python
On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 8:12 AM, aamir.unix@gmail.com wrote:
I m a newbie to Chef/opscode, We have a django website which uses a
Django version and its available on github, So normally we clone it or pull
using git. I would like to create a recipe for this. So that when I
for the cookbook to install the django version from github. Please do let
know if its possible.