For a couple projects, I’ve been using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. I know a few
months ago, there were problems (regarding couchdb, I believe) getting
all the dependencies for chef-server and client going.
Is there any tricky about getting the latest chef server and clients
going on Ubuntu hardy?
Joe Van Dyk
It's better to go after 9.10 or 10.04 since Opscode builds chef ubuntu
packages for this distributions which makes chef-server easier to
start. For chef 0.8 this packages are still on testing so they are not
reliable 100%, but you might want to give them a try.
Also there's no couchdb packages for 8.04 so you have to compile
erlang & couchdb from scratch.
Regarding to clients there's no problem at all with going with 8.04,
many people are running sucessfully chef-client in 8.04 since all you
have to install is a couple of gems.
Hope this helps.
Jacobo García López de Araujo
blog: http://robotplaysguitar.com
On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 1:09 AM, Joe Van Dyk joe@fixieconsulting.com wrote:
For a couple projects, I've been using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. I know a few
months ago, there were problems (regarding couchdb, I believe) getting
all the dependencies for chef-server and client going.
Is there any tricky about getting the latest chef server and clients
going on Ubuntu hardy?
Joe Van Dyk