This means node['hostname'] is nil, which means either your hosts file or DNS are broken and need to be fixed. You can check by running hostname and/or hostname -f (node['fqdn']) from a command line.
Running ‘hostname’ returns the host name of the system. It did not like the second command. Not sure if there’s just something weird about how SuSE handles that command? Again, I’m new to this stuff.
@naren this thread is 3 years old, you may want to open up a new one instead to avoid people confusing context (I was about to ). `undefined method somemethod for nil:NilClass could be a lot of things, but the most common suspect is bad interpolation; You have a variable that is not interpolating at all, or is getting assigned a nil value somehow.
Take a moment to open up a thread with more details on your issue (specifically, we'll need to see code). I'll pop my head in there later today and have a look myself if you want.