In both, the most reasonable advice is to create an instance of the
resource’s class and call #run_action(:whatever) to get it to execute
immediately. From my testing, this doesn’t work, with the problem
specifically being this code snippet and error:
My first thought was to pass it run_context… But there’s no run_context
at this point for me to pass to the resource’s constructor.
In both, the most reasonable advice is to create an instance of the
resource's class and call #run_action(:whatever) to get it to execute
immediately. From my testing, this doesn't work, with the problem
specifically being this code snippet and error: · GitHub
My first thought was to pass it run_context... But there's no run_context
at this point for me to pass to the resource's constructor.
To demonstrate in further detail, I put together a quick cookbook with a
Test Kitchen suite: GitHub - notnmeyer/gem-dep
Any thoughts? What's the proper way to immediately execute a resource
during compile time?
In both, the most reasonable advice is to create an instance of the resource’s class and call #run_action(:whatever) to get it to execute immediately. From my testing, this doesn’t work, with the problem specifically being this code snippet and error:
My first thought was to pass it run_context… But there’s no run_context at this point for me to pass to the resource’s constructor.
In both, the most reasonable advice is to create an instance of the
resource's class and call #run_action(:whatever) to get it to execute
immediately. From my testing, this doesn't work, with the problem
specifically being this code snippet and error: · GitHub
My first thought was to pass it run_context... But there's no run_context
at this point for me to pass to the resource's constructor.
To demonstrate in further detail, I put together a quick cookbook with a
Test Kitchen suite: GitHub - notnmeyer/gem-dep
Any thoughts? What's the proper way to immediately execute a resource
during compile time?
In both, the most reasonable advice is to create an instance of the resource's class and call #run_action(:whatever) to get it to execute immediately. From my testing, this doesn't work, with the problem specifically being this code snippet and error: · GitHub
My first thought was to pass it run_context... But there's no run_context at this point for me to pass to the resource's constructor.
To demonstrate in further detail, I put together a quick cookbook with a Test Kitchen suite: GitHub - notnmeyer/gem-dep
Any thoughts? What's the proper way to immediately execute a resource during compile time?
A second option (only works if there are no C extensions in the mix, but if you are trying to early install the gem that should be the case anyway) is to use Halite to convert it to a cookbook. Basically just clone the gem's code, add Halite as a dependency, and either add the Halite rake tasks for make a script to run `Halite.convert('thegemname', 'path/to/write/cookbook') and it will make a Chef cookbook containing the gem's code in such a way that other cookbooks can depend on it and require as normal.