I’m writing a cookbook to deploy a rails app. I’m using the deploy resource
then using the web_app definition to create the passenger conf file.
The client error’s out and the server log shows:
~ Preferred template list: {}
~ Searching for preferred file in
~ Looking for host-domU-12-31-39-00-31-62.compute-1.internal/web_app.conf.erb
~ Looking for centos-5.4/web_app.conf.erb
~ Looking for centos/web_app.conf.erb
~ Looking for default/web_app.conf.erb
merb : worker (port 4000) ~ Cannot find a preferred file for web_app.conf.erb!
- (Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound)
My first thought was that since I have the standard cookbooks and my own
cookbooks in seperate repo’s this might be the root cause, but I copied the
apache and passenger cookbooks into the same repo where I have my 'local’
cookbooks but that didn’t seem to help.
Any one have any thoughts on how to fix?
include_recipe "apache2"
include_recipe “passenger_apache2”
…snipped the deploy part
web_app node[:app_name] do
docroot "/src/apps/#{node[:app_name]}/current/public"
server_name "example.com"
rails_env "production"
By default, you need to put the template in the templates/default/
directory of the cookbook where you use the web_app define. You can
add a 'cookbook' parameter to the resource to specify another cookbook
where the template lives.
Also, take a look at the file specificity information for templates here:
On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 6:06 PM, apsoto@gmail.com wrote:
I'm writing a cookbook to deploy a rails app. I'm using the deploy resource
then using the web_app definition to create the passenger conf file.
The client error's out and the server log shows:
~ Preferred template list: {}
~ Searching for preferred file in
~ Looking for host-domU-12-31-39-00-31-62.compute-1.internal/web_app.conf.erb
~ Looking for centos-5.4/web_app.conf.erb
~ Looking for centos/web_app.conf.erb
~ Looking for default/web_app.conf.erb
merb : worker (port 4000) ~ Cannot find a preferred file for web_app.conf.erb!
- (Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound)
My first thought was that since I have the standard cookbooks and my own
cookbooks in seperate repo's this might be the root cause, but I copied the
apache and passenger cookbooks into the same repo where I have my 'local'
cookbooks but that didn't seem to help.
Any one have any thoughts on how to fix?
include_recipe "apache2"
include_recipe "passenger_apache2"
..snipped the deploy part
web_app node[:app_name] do
docroot "/src/apps/#{node[:app_name]}/current/public"
server_name "example.com"
rails_env "production"
Opscode, Inc
Joshua Timberman, Senior Solutions Engineer
C: 720.878.4322 E: joshua@opscode.com