Hello, I was writing an Inspec code to verify if a Windows Feature is installed.
describe windows_feature('Web-Server') do
it{ should be_installed }
What I also want to test are the sub features, below is the PowerShell output of Get-WindowsFeature command for Web-Server and it shows SubFeatures which I am NOT sure how to include in my Inspec code?
Name : Web-Server
DisplayName : Web Server (IIS)
Installed : True
InstallState : Installed
FeatureType : Role
Path : Web Server (IIS)
Depth :
DependsOn : {}
Parent :
ServerComponentDescriptor : ServerComponent_Web_Server
SubFeatures : {Web-WebServer, Web-Ftp-Server, Web-Mgmt-Tools}
SystemService : {}
Notification : {}
Can someone help please?