WWW Displaying Code with Code Fences and Code Helper Method

You can define markdown code fences as you would normally or use a code helper within slim/HAML. These code fences / code helper function supports all the languages defined in rouge. There is also additional support added to support a language called 'Studio' which is essentially the same as 'shell' but has been updated to have additional keywords and support for Habitat Studio related functionality (found in lib/lexer_habitat_studio.rb.


Define a code fence with a language.

$ cd ~/sample-rails-app

Define a code fence for a language with the addition of a title.

```shell ~/sample-rails-app
$ hab studio enter

Define a code fence for a language with additional metadata

```lang title:"~/sample-rails-app/docker-compose.yml" linenos:true start:7 mark:8

The additional metadata that can be specified:

Metadata Example Description
lang ruby Used by the syntax highlighter. Passing 'plain' disables highlighting.
title title:"Figure 1.A" Add a figcaption title to your code block.
url url:"https://github.com" No default value
link_text link_text:"Download" Text for the link, default: "link"
linenos linenos:true Enables line numbering
start start:5 Start the line numbering at the given value.
mark mark:1-4,8 Highlight lines of code. This example marks lines 1,2,3,4 and 8
class class:"css example" Add CSS class names to the code <figure> element

Code Method Helper

Define a code fence with a language.

= code(:shell) do
   $ cd ~/sample-rails-app

Define a code fence for a language with the addition of a title.

= code(:studio, title: 'Habitat Studio') do
  | [1][default:/src:0]#

Define a code fence for a language with additional metadata

= code(:yaml, title: '~/sample-rails-app/docker-compose.yml', linenos: true, start: 7, marks: [8]) do
      image: <myorg>/sample-rails-app

Example Output

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