I'm going to hop in on top, but my intent isn't to stifle or ignore the
resulting conversation (which has been great).
First off, one of the things that has gotten off in the way we work as a
community is understanding what space we're in. You can see it in this
email, and in resulting threads - if you post to this list from a Chef
Software email address, are you speaking for yourself, or on behalf of the
Since I'm probably the only person who can clear this up short of Barry
Crist (who is awesome, but I don't think is on this thread,) lets go ahead
and create a new rule. If you want to know the Official Position (tm) of
Chef Software, you can go ahead and ask directly - and I, or someone the
company designates, will respond with an Official Clarification (tm). 
Otherwise, all communication on this list, and in IRC, is the opinion of
it's author, and not a representation of the Company. This is, I believe,
the only tenable position for this space to remain one that is actually
community driven, and not simply a channel for communicating with/around/to
Chef Software. I am adding this to the upcoming RFC on how the project is
maintained - keep your eyes peeled for that before our first community
meeting on Friday.
Now, on to your email.
On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 8:05 PM, John E. Vincent (lusis) <
lusis.org+chef-list@gmail.com> wrote:
Okay so I'm afraid I'm going to regret doing this but Dan was right that
this is the best place for it. I thought about doing it on the dev list but
figured there would be more (appropriate?) feedback here.
Why are you afraid you will regret it? Either you want to find solutions to
your problems, or you don't - and this is the place for us to find
solutions. Don't regret it - participate in it.
I don't think this fits with a blog post because (Dan is right here as
well) that's dictation not discussion. I realize I'm an overly vocal critic
of this topic but I've heard in private from quite a few folks about these
same frustrations. I'll leave it up to them if they want to speak up. Some
folks aren't comfortable with that though and feel like it would be burning
a bridge. Please keep that in mind. Also please be aware that I'm going to
point to specific statements by people but I'm not trying to call those
people out and this should not be construed as a personal attack. I
understand I can't stop people from feeling that way but I wanted to be
clear about this.
I understand not wanting to break confidences, or people being concerned
about hurting the feelings of others. At the same time, I'm wary of
arguments that involve the specter of broad-scale assent - at several
points in this email, you make reference to "how other people feel" and
"the chef middle class" - all of which creates a self-defined rhetorical
division within the community that, if it does exist, certainly can't be
quantified easily without more discussion. As a rhetorical device, it is
super effective - easy to think of a silent middle being abused by elites,
which, as one of what you probably define as the upper class, I resent on a
personal level, and I think my actual participation as a human being
refutes it consistently. The thread on this list that ensues proves both
the need for the discussion and the lack of actual division caused by
anything other than lack of participation.
So I'm going to frame these questions again (at least the ones that
haven't been clarified for ME):
- Is Berkshelf becoming a core chef dependency?
I heard no but let's be clear when ALL of the tooling coming out of Chef
proper has a dependency on Berkshelf, that's no different. Also ChefDK
doesn't solve that problem (especially since it's not actually released
yet). Related is "The Berkshelf Way"/model the prescribed workflow for
chef repos (note that I'm not saying cookbooks here for a reason).
As the CTO of Chef Software, let the next few paragraphs serve as an
Official Clarification (tm). (You request it in a piece I snipped) As we
move forward, I would like to see these conversations not require official
clarification from Chef Software, because improvements in the transparency
of how decisions are made and the roadmap is communicated obviates the
need. Since we don't live in that world yet, here we go.
There are currently no plans for the "chef-client" omnibus package and
rubygem to include Berkshelf as a dependency. It makes no sense to do so.
There are conversations about doing fully client-side dependency
resolution, as it would be more efficient for all concerned.
The Chef DK is our attempt to bring a single, vetted, consistent user
experience to those developing infrastructure with Chef. That includes
having (at least one) blessed workflow that allows users to go from very
little tooling to a fully built, best practice way of managing your
infrastructure at scale. Step one of that is simply getting all the tooling
in one place, released often, and vetted. Step two is creating and fixing
those workflows, so that we can then talk about them more broadly. There
are many more steps. Chef DK includes Berkshelf as its dependency resolver,
and the workflows it brings to bear (test driven infrastructure primarily)
use Berkshelf.
Chef Software is committed to ensuring that every tool shipped in the Chef
DK works well with the rest of the DK, is vetted and tested. In many cases,
that means working directly with the communities and authors of those
tools, which we haven't taken away from those authors (and couldn't if we
wanted to - they weren't "ours" to begin with.) That includes Berkshelf,
ChefSpec, Test Kitchen, and more - all of which we participate in and
support, but do not 'own'.
End of Official Clarification (tm), and back to just plain old Adam.
- What problem is Berkshelf trying to solve?
This is part of my frustration and other folks as well. The running joke
is that Berkshelf solved a problem I didn't have. And it's true. Again I
can totally accept that some people had a problem and found that Berkshelf
solved it but is that reason enough to bake it into EVERYTHING?
Julian answered this well.
FWIW I didn't have a problem with Berkshelf originally. One: I didn't use
it and didn't HAVE to use it. Two: It didn't have this entirely new service
it depended on.
Now I can't avoid it and it requires a separate internet service (though
now apparently rolled into the supermarket) just to be used.
I understand your frustration here, but you want to have your cake and eat
it to. You want to stay up to date with an evolving, naturally leading edge
of development. On the one hand, you don't have a problem that required
client side dependency solving, because you're happy with the single
repository, vendor branch approach. For the record, so was I - I created it
because it worked for me, and I didn't struggle with the issues other
people had. I was also perfectly happy to have my workflow be logging in to
a machine and running chef client to observe if my shit worked. I was very
proficient at it. 
On the other hand, you want to be able to use tools like Test Kitchen, or
the new generators in the Chef DK. The creators of those tools, over the
course of the last several years, all think that having dependency
resolution at the level of individual cookbooks is essential to its good
functioning. After using those workflows (which I didn't want to do,
because I didn't have those problems) - I agree with them, on a personal
level. I also think the results in practice speak for themselves - it
really does make it faster, and safer, to develop infrastructure this way.
You still don't have to use it. Not using it means opting out of the things
that, as the authors of those tools, people decided was necessary. That's
cool, because, as you say - you don't have those problems anyway, right? 
But this ties into bigger workflow questions. From almost every corner of
the Chef proper universe (rough paraphrases):
"Berkshelf won"
"Stop doing devodd. Stop uploading unreleased artifacts to your Chef
"the separate repos per cookbook voice + Berkshelf is the loudest and with
good reason"
"basically (in response to 'so individual cookbooks can be treated like
district pieces of software?')"
"You don't have to change your workflow.. You have to
change your workflow a bit"
And yet the Chef documentation is all over the place:
"The chef-dk defines a common workflow for cookbook development, including
unit and integration testing, identifying lint-like behavior, dedicated
tooling, and more"
"The chef-repo is located on a workstation and should be synchronized with
a version control system, such as git. All of the data in the chef-repo
should be treated like source code."
There is conflicting information here in that the docs describe one thing
and yet there is semi-official direction/prescription/statements that you
should use a
But since this toolchain using this new workflow is so convoluted right
now, there's ChefDK but it's not released yet and even if it was it's
running an ENTIRELY different version of Ruby than the Omnibus chef-client.
We haven't ported the universe to a new workflow precisely because, in many
cases, it just isn't ready for it yet. The difficulties in tying those
tools together are sometimes deep, and pushing it out in front of the world
doesn't help. I agree we need to get to a place where the best practice
workflow is both documented and simple, and goes from using nothing but
chef-apply on a single recipe all the way up to managing complex
infrastructure with integrated testing and servers. The experience should
be delightful and natural at each part of the way.
It isn't right now, because we're in transition.
And in the end there's, and I hesitated to mention this but it's a part of
it, a profound level of arrogance about this workflow as a whole laced with
"but you can keep doing it the OLD way" or "you'll eventually figure out
the right workflow" or "Berkshelf fits every use case". But just a year ago
there was ANOTHER way that was named the same thing but done differently
and it's not the right way anymore.
As someone who is largely a run of the mill chef end-user (you can
disagree with that. I have a larger than normal "voice" for better or
worse), you have to appreciate the confusion here at the mixed messaging
and "new shiny" every time I look up. As I've said before, Chef is a means
to an end for me and not the defining thing. I don't like to fight my tools
and when they keep fighting back I have to weigh the balance of how much
time I invest with the tool versus getting actual work done. At some point,
you figure out that you're fighting the wrong things.
And I realize that Chef is going through some transformative things right
now and trying to get back to certain roots.
The arrogance exists on all sides of what, until this moment, hasn't even
really been a debate. Just so we're being clear, cloaking yourself in a
populist mantle (just a regular chef user, the chef middle class) and
calling those who think differently than you 'arrogant' is, itself, pretty
damn arrogant.
Lets all drop that from the dialogue, and just focus on getting the mixed
messaging and confusion that's at the heart of your message cleaned up.
mSo what am I asking here? What's the point of this rambling?
Where's the communication? What's the intention? The post on Omnibus was
awesome because it was clear. A line was drawn that said "look, omnibus was
built for this and we think it's awesome that people are using it for this
other thing but there's a conflict that we can't maintain"
I'm totally cool with that. What's hard for me is that when it comes to
workflow, there's a defacto standard (driven by a vocal subset of the
community and unofficially by Chef employees - my interpretation) that is
infinitely more complicated than the one officially documented. And it's
not just a question of workflow, it changes the entire model of how you use
Chef when writing cookbooks (again in conflict with the official
Here is a proposal. Lets have two officially supported workflows.
The 'classic' workflow. This has a single chef-repo directory, that
includes every artifact you need in your infrastructure. It its managed as
a single git repository, uses vendor branches for importing external
cookbooks via 'knife cookbook site', and either uploads directly to a Chef
server or is bundled together for use in solo or chef-zero. The Chef DK
should have generators that support this model as a first class citizen.
The 'TDI' workflow. This workflow involves breaking your single
chef-repo into a git repository per cookbook, with all other assets tracked
in a single common repository. It uses Berkshelf and Test-Kitchen to
support test-driven infrastructure, and either uploads directly to a chef
server or is bundled together for use in solo or chef-zero. The Chef DK
should have generators that support this model as a first class citizen.
In either case, the glide path to either should be easy and basically
identical, until you decide to start writing tests.
I realize the desire to straddle both ways but at some point you can't
when they diverge so dramatically. And really one of them is in largely
direct opposition to the way of working that's even possible for a subset
of the community. I feel like there's an entire chef middle class being cut
out of this entire topic.
Divergence isn't a bad thing. If you don't want, or don't see, the benefits
of the TDI workflow - you shouldn't use it.
For many of us, that workflow is consistently producing better results than
the 'classic' one did.
So am I asking for an "official workflow"? Part of me says no but part of
me says "yes already. And then update the docs so I have somewhere to point
new users that isn't being contradicted everywhere else". And frankly for
me I almost want it to be done so I can make the difficult decisions around
"is it time to move to another tool or not" because in the end my goal is
pretty simple. I need to manage my servers and the tool that I have to
fight the least to do that is the one I'm going to use.
Maybe I'm wrong about this. I could be the only person who feels this way
but I don't think so.
As of today, I don't think you can say the TDI workflow is ready to be the
default workflow for new users. My opinion is we should continue to develop
it, and even recommend it for those whose problems it solves today and can
handle being early adopters. We shouldn't put it in front of new users (see
the revamped LearnChef content as an example.)