Any success installing SQL Server?


I’ve been trying to install SQL Server Express on EC2 using chef, but so
far with no success.

I’ve tried both Sql Server 2008/2012 and on Windows Server 2008 R2/2012.

It all seems to boil down to the setup not working when run using WinRM.
When running the exact same command using Remote Desktop, everything works

I realize this is not really chef specific, but also that the chef crowd is
probably the ones most likely to have some insights here.

I’ve seen but not really sure
if the vagrant stuff applies…

So, has someone actually installed SQL server using chef? If so please
share the details :slight_smile:



What specific issues do you run into? Two notable pain points we had when automating SQL Server deployments (full instance) with Chef on VMware were insufficient MaxMemoryPerShellMB (we ended up setting it to 1024) and inter-domain trust issues. To work around the latter, we deploy as local admin, then change service users by running sc on every service we want to set to a domain account (we use a macro to generate the powershell code that calls sc). Another, more recent pain point is CHEF-3045 (as SQL Server takes ages to install), but that’s probably irrelevant to the problems you’re having.



From: Jeppe Nejsum Madsen []
Sent: 13 May 2013 12:37
Subject: [chef] Any success installing SQL Server?


I’ve been trying to install SQL Server Express on EC2 using chef, but so far with no success.

I’ve tried both Sql Server 2008/2012 and on Windows Server 2008 R2/2012.

It all seems to boil down to the setup not working when run using WinRM. When running the exact same command using Remote Desktop, everything works fine.

I realize this is not really chef specific, but also that the chef crowd is probably the ones most likely to have some insights here.

I’ve seen but not really sure if the vagrant stuff applies…

So, has someone actually installed SQL server using chef? If so please share the details :slight_smile:
