Ark resource/provider LWRPs changed!

Dear Chefs,

I did some serious soul searching over the last week and decided to follow
SSD7's excellent advice to convert my ark_put, ark_cherry_pick, and
ark_dump into actions on the main ark resource. I have updated the README,
related blog posts, and added over 17 minitest tests


ark_dump "my_jars" do
url 'http://....."
path '/usr/local/tomcat/lib'
creates 'mysql.jar'
owner 'tomcat'

ark_cherry_pick 'mysql-connector-java' do

url ''

creates 'mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar'

path '/usr/local/tomcat/lib'



ark "my_jars" do
url 'http://....."
path '/usr/local/tomcat/lib'
creates 'mysql.jar'
owner 'tomcat'
action :dump

ark 'mysql-connector-java' do

url ''

creates 'mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar'

path '/usr/local/tomcat/lib'

action :cherry_pick


I hope these changes make the ark resource easier to use. I can't express
enough how much the minitest tests improve my confidence in my own code.

I want to thank Steven Danna for taking the time to review my code and to
BTM for the minitest-handler cookbook.

Please let me know if you have any issues

Please note that the following parts of the ark API are still in flux:

  • :build_with_make action
  • :configure action

Keep it hot!
