Hey everyone!
In the last two weeks we released a major update to the AWS cookbook with the 3.0 release and three more feature releases packed full of great new stuff. These new versions represents a significant leap forward in the functionality of the cookbook. We’ve merged a ton of new features contributed by the community, in particular work from Chris Marchesi, who wrote new resources for managing AWS services including:
- CloudFormation
- IAM Users/Groups/Roles/Policies
- Kinesis
- DynamoDB
Authentication support has also been improved and expanded. You can now use a AWS local credentials file for authentication or role assumption via STS, including support for MFA tokens. If you want to mix and match your authentication methods between resources, that’s now possible as well, since connection information is no longer shared across resources.
In addition to the new resources and authentication methods, we’ve improved several of the existing resources and fixed critical bugs. The s3_file provider now compares the contents of the file in S3 with that of the local file before downloading again. You can also use the sensitive property in s3_file to hide file content from logs. ebs_volume has had several key bug fixes and now supports the :delete action for deleting volumes from AWS. We also updated the provider logic to automatically install the aws-sdk gem when necessary, so there’s no need to include a recipe on your runlist to use the resources.
For a complete list of changes check the changelog at: https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/aws/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md. We’d love to get feedback on these changes, and input on what you’d like to see next.