Best environment to play with Chef Ubuntu or Mac?

Hi All,

I am working as a Dev-ops engineer and having experience in Chef.
My working environment is Ubuntu, I know the steps about set up Chef server, workstation and client in ubuntu flavor.
And also I developed lot of cookbooks for ubuntu and centos servers.

Now I would like to move Mac environment, I know the commands were available for this Mac OS.
But I got some suggestion Ubuntu in best environment to play with Chef, not that much in Mac.

is it right? anyone please suggest which is best for chef process like Ubuntu or Mac ?

Advance in Thanks

I think you’ll find that cookbook development on OS X works pretty much the same as on Linux. Either way you should look at installing ChefDK and use test-kitchen to run your cookbooks.

+1 for Ubuntu.

You can run containers like LXC straight, as normal user. Which means you can test chef cookbook way more easily. Ubuntu 15.04 onward will have systemd. chef-systemd is very powerful, think of all the cron jobs, network stuff, services everything will be on systemd units. all this you can explore straight, without a hypervisor if you have ubuntu or any linux. docker etc also way more popular on ubuntu.

On mac wifi or few other hardware can be pain initially. I prefer thinkpad (x250, carbon all are gold) for that reason. But I had mac once and I installed ubuntu then as well. Fan would go on/off sometime arbitrarily, flash was bit shaky. rest was pretty ok.