Bootstrap multi nodes at same time

Hello guys, are there any way to install chef client to node by one command? Thank you.

You probably want to look into chef-provisioning:

Nathan Clemons
DevOps Engineer
Moxie Cloud Services (MCS)

O +1.425.467.5075
M +1.360.861.6291
W www.gomoxie.com

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I am new with chef, so could you tell me a simple example to see how do that. I am grateful to you.

What I would do is write a script (bash on Linux/OS/X, PowerShell on Windows) that loops through the nodes you want to bootstrap and starting each bootstrap process as a background job.

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I haven’t used it myself, so I can’t help with that, sorry. I’ve just seen it recommended before.

Nathan Clemons
DevOps Engineer
Moxie Cloud Services (MCS)

O +1.425.467.5075
M +1.360.861.6291
W www.gomoxie.com