I'm fumbling my way through trying to create a package. It builds and succeeds, but when I try to run it just enters a loop like this:
sync_gateway.default(SV)[src/supervisor.rs:154:12]: Starting process as user=hab, group=hab
sync_gateway.default(SR)[src/manager/service/mod.rs:243:12]: Service start failed: hab-sup(ER)[src/error.rs:379:8]: No such file or directory (os error 2)
I'm trying to figure out which file cannot be found. Is there a way to get more information about this error? I probably have messed up the run hook, but I change directories to pkg.path
and try to run a binary from that directory and I'm a little unclear about the difference between this and the "Habitat Service" paths. Which path should the binary included in the package be in? I can see that the binary is properly in the /habs/pkg directory and running it from there results in no errors.