Can't restart service on the same port without error

I’m trying to develop my first package. My project code is all here:
I’m developing on OS X 10.13.4.
$ brew --version
Homebrew 1.6.7
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 60e56c; last commit 2018-06-07)

$ brew tap

$ hab --version
hab 0.56.0/20180530234342

$ docker --version
Docker version 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40

Right now, everything works great. The first time the service is built/run, I get this:
[4][default:/src:0]# hab-sup(AG): The dbhagen/p4broker service was successfully loaded hab-sup(MR): Starting dbhagen/p4broker p4broker.default(UCW): Watching user.toml p4broker.default(HK): init, compiled to /hab/svc/p4broker/hooks/init p4broker.default(HK): run, compiled to /hab/svc/p4broker/hooks/run p4broker.default(HK): Hooks compiled p4broker.default(SR): Hooks recompiled default(CF): Updated p4broker.conf 8bc3c6e73c996f62ed0ce1e28b0c065fb3df2e6ed1d732b26b137a3c35e96738 p4broker.default(SR): Configuration recompiled p4broker.default(SR): Initializing p4broker.default(SV): Starting service as user=hab, group=hab p4broker.default(E): Perforce Broker info: p4broker.default(E): Perforce Broker starting... p4broker.default(E): Perforce Broker info: p4broker.default(E): Loaded configuration from: /hab/svc/p4broker/config/p4broker.conf p4broker.default(O): Perforce Broker starting...

But any time following, I get this:
[5][default:/src:0]# hab-sup(AG): The dbhagen/p4broker service was successfully loaded hab-sup(MR): Starting dbhagen/p4broker p4broker.default(UCW): Watching user.toml p4broker.default(HK): Hooks compiled p4broker.default(SR): Initializing p4broker.default(SV): Starting service as user=hab, group=hab p4broker.default(O): Perforce Broker starting... p4broker.default(E): Perforce Broker info: p4broker.default(E): Perforce Broker starting... p4broker.default(E): Perforce Broker info: p4broker.default(E): Loaded configuration from: /hab/svc/p4broker/config/p4broker.conf p4broker.default(E): Perforce Broker error: p4broker.default(E): Listen 2018 failed. p4broker.default(E): TCP listen on 2018 failed. p4broker.default(E): bind: Address already in use

I’ve tried the following and no change:
hab svc stop dbhagen/p4broker hab svc unload dbhagen/p4broker hab svc load dbhagen/p4broker hab svc start dbhagen/p4broker

The only thing that works is exiting the Hab Studio and reentering.

Any help would be great! Thanks

Attaching my file
pkg_maintainer=“Daniel Hagen <>”
pkg_build_deps=(core/make core/gcc core/patchelf)
# pkg_lib_dirs=(lib)
# pkg_include_dirs=(include)
# pkg_pconfig_dirs=(lib/pconfig)
pkg_svc_run=“p4broker -c $pkg_svc_config_path/p4broker.conf”
# pkg_binds=(
# [database]=“port host”
# )
# pkg_binds_optional=(
# [storage]=“port host”
# )
# pkg_interpreters=(bin/bash)
# pkg_svc_user=“hab”
# pkg_svc_group="$pkg_svc_user"
# pkg_description=“Some description.”
# pkg_upstream_url=“

do_build() {
	# No build needed.
	return 0

do_unpack() {
	# No unpack needed
	return 0

do_install() {
  mkdir -p $pkg_prefix/bin
  cp $HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/p4broker $pkg_prefix/bin/p4broker
  chmod +x $pkg_prefix/bin/p4broker
  patchelf --interpreter "$(pkg_path_for glibc)/lib/" ${pkg_prefix}/bin/p4broker

  mkdir -p $pkg_svc_var_path/p4/broker
  mkdir -p $pkg_svc_var_path/p4/broker/log
  chmod 770 $pkg_svc_var_path/p4/broker/log
  chown hab:hab $pkg_svc_var_path/p4/broker/log

  mkdir -p $pkg_svc_var_path/p4broker_sslkeys
  chmod 700 $pkg_svc_var_path/p4broker_sslkeys
  chown hab:hab $pkg_svc_var_path/p4broker_sslkeys
  export P4SSLDIR=$pkg_svc_var_path/p4broker_sslkeys
  #$pkg_prefix/bin/p4broker -Gc
  #$pkg_prefix/bin/p4broker -Gf

I think your run hook is incorrect. It should be:

export P4SSLDIR={{pkg.svc_var_path}}/p4broker_sslkeys
exec p4broker -c {{pkg.svc_config_path}}/p4broker.conf

I’m sorry, the version you were looking at was mid rebasing of the app data folders. The latest commit should show the paths unified.

Strange, can you try changing your shebang to look like this:

#!/bin/bash -xe
exec 2>&1

I think you’ll want the exec before the p4broker call

I assume you mean in my run hook. I’ve added it, but now when I run service start I get no output.
[9][default:/src:0]# hab svc start dbhagen/p4broker

do you see output when you run sl after that command?

Can’t run sl without ctrl+c-ing out of the interactive session. Not sure why the run hook modification made it an interactive session…

I take that back. Exited Hab Studio and reentered and it’s running.

p4broker.default(SR): Initializing
p4broker.default(SV): Starting service as user=hab, group=hab
p4broker.default(E): + export P4SSLDIR=/hab/svc/p4broker/data/sslkeys
p4broker.default(E): + P4SSLDIR=/hab/svc/p4broker/data/sslkeys
p4broker.default(E): + exec p4broker -c /hab/svc/p4broker/config/p4broker.conf
p4broker.default(O): Perforce Broker starting...
p4broker.default(O): Perforce Broker info:
p4broker.default(O): 	Perforce Broker starting...
p4broker.default(O): Perforce Broker info:
p4broker.default(O): 	Loaded configuration from: /hab/svc/p4broker/config/p4broker.conf

Ok, that’s curious. It’s now working reliably. Any thoughts on why adding exec and modifying the shebang would make it behave better?

It’s the way the process gets forked and started. You want your program to be the thing the supervisor is watching, not the run hook. Exec replaces the current shell with a new one starting your command.

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