Cannot start chef automate virtual box image

Dear chef friends:

I am new to chef and chef automate. I was following this link to learn chef automate at, however, when I ran the second step “vagrant up” I got the following error:

default: Error: Preflight check failed
default: Error: PreflightError: One or more preflight checks failed: To run deploy without pre-flight, pas s --skip-preflight: Preflight check failed
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.

I can see the chef_automate virtual machine is already running and I can log into it. But not sure if chef was installed correctly. How could I trouble shoot this error. thanks.


Here is a clearer output from “vagrant up” command:

==> default: Running provisioner: shell…
I agree to the Terms of Service and the Master License and Services Agreement (YES/NO):
default: Running: inline script
default: Beginning pre-flight checks
default: Error:
default: OK | running as root
default: OK | volume: has 58GB avail (need 5GB for installation)
default: OK | automate not already deployed
default: OK | initial required ports are available
default: OK | init system is systemd
default: OK | found required command useradd
default: OK | system memory is at least 2000000 KB (2GB)
default: OK | fs.file-max is at least 64000
default: OK | vm.max_map_count is at least 262144
default: OK | vm.dirty_ratio is between 5 and 30
default: OK | vm.dirty_background_ratio is between 10 and 60
default: OK | vm.dirty_expire_centisecs is between 10000 and 30000
default: OK | curl found
default: OK | is reachable
default: OK | is reachable
default: OK | is reachable
default: OK | is reachable
default: FAIL| is not reachable
default: OK | is reachable
default: OK | is reachable
default: OK | is reachable
default: OK | is reachable
default: OK | is reachable
default: The following were unreachable and are required for the installation to
default: successfully complete:
default: Error: Preflight check failed
default: Error: PreflightError: One or more preflight checks failed: To run deploy without pre-flight, pas s --skip-preflight: Preflight check failed
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.

I am unable to repro this issue so I would check that you have connectivity to (it should redirect to downloads). Perhaps a firewall or proxy issue?

thank you for the reply, you are right, my box doesn't have internet access at that moment. now it is working now.