Chef Automate Release 0.6.64

We are delighted to announce release 0.6.64 of Chef Automate. The release is available for download from

New Feature: Chef Automate Pre-flight check

As part of the enhancements to improve Chef automate installation experience, a new optional command (automate-ctl preflight-check) is now available. You can now validate that a server meets the installation requirements of Chef Automate by running automate-ctl preflight-check. The command will check the target environment against installation requirements and advises if additional resources or adjustments are needed.

Resources validated includes: Memory, CPU, target directory structure, target directory disk space, umask, port access, and availability of SSH client.

Additional details on the command can be found at:

Resolved Workflow Issues

  • More automate-ctl commands respond to --help.
  • Fixes a bug when using v2 runners that could result in duplicated Erlang processes.
  • Fixes an issue on automate-ctl install-runner that could have resulted in certificate validation failures.